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Dark GDK / Dark Game SDK + PureBasic ??

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Location: France
Posted: 10th Jan 2005 02:22

I've just registered Dark Game SDK and I'd like to know if someone even tried to adapt headers and .lib to use it with PureBasic ???
If someone started this, please tell me if you managed to make it possible or if you encountered problems... in that case ... which problems ?

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Posted: 10th Jan 2005 05:35 Edited at: 10th Jan 2005 05:51
allas, no.

or at least there is no official word. PB is simular to dev c++.
But, there is a tool to convert VC++ .libs to pells c .libs,
but I have not tested such tools. If you can get it to work,
maybe I'll get this too.

The best part about PB is you can copy the entire directory tree to a new location and then try experimenting with the various .lib tools .... and, if you break PB, just delete the directory and start over .... you didn't change the main version, just the copy

the tools are located in the Purebasic\librarysdk path.
Its kinda thin on documentation unless you check the forum.
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Location: France
Posted: 10th Jan 2005 05:52
yes I know

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