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2D All the way! / 2-D Landscapes

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Posted: 16th Jan 2003 03:43
I dunno if anyone here has played the old Zelda games like A Link to the Past, but is there anyway to acheive that kind of landscape look? I'm sure you could just make a landscape from a bitmap but how would I make sure the sprites that you control do not go through walls and stuff?
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Posted: 16th Jan 2003 04:38
There is a command in DB that'll set up collisions for ya, it's dicust in other threids.

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The Darthster
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Posted: 16th Jan 2003 19:38
I made a 'game' like Zelda, using a tileset and a 15x15 grid displayed on the screen. The collision is done by testing which tile the character is on, and restricting his movement appropriately. There isn't any scrolling yet, the tiles just jump from one screen to the next all in one go.
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Posted: 17th Jan 2003 00:57
Ah. The tile effect seems a little too limited. Although objects will be aligned to a grid, some obstacles like cliffs can go diagnal which can lead to problems (Link pushing against an invisible object about a foot away from the actual cliff).
Disco Stu
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Posted: 17th Jan 2003 01:18
Well, if you wanted it more accurate you would probably go for Hito Hentai's suggestion. Just set up collision boxes over a matrix/plain sheet/sprite with your bitmap on it and then just point the camera at the character.

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Posted: 17th Jan 2003 09:38
Interesting idea.
Why not a collision map to point where you can move and where you can't.
I am not sure how one would do this, but I am looking at every possiblity.

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Posted: 17th Jan 2003 17:11
If you are making a 2D game the simplest way imho is to use the "poin" command to tell what color the pixel you are above it. Have Black (or whatever other color u choose) outlines for the areas you don't want people to go, a slightly different (but non distinguishable by eye) shade of black for the outline of buildings etc, and they you can check for the over lapping of the differnet shades of black and do different things when they are detected

The Darthster
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Posted: 17th Jan 2003 23:51
With the tileset, the individual tiles have collision within them. If there is a diagonal cliff, the collision will be based on an equation, y=x or something. If the tile contains a tree trunk, then there will be a smaller collision box around the tree within the tile. The collision doesn't have to be to the edges of the sprite either, using offset sprite you can do collision with the characters feet, then put the character sprite in above that.
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 02:49
Darthster, can you explain how to use the tileset? I'm trying to make a 2D game along those lines, but so far I just have my main character, i'm not sure how to make the grid/scene, thanks.
Killer Sponge
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Posted: 30th Jan 2003 16:44
Us a div concept , Have a bmp which is the map/level and another bitmap with a B&W representation of the level and use a certain color (i.e. red) and check for the player position on the map, and check if the x,y position on collision bitmap returns your colour (use the point command) then the player has collided. I havn't tryed this in DB as at the moment Im in a state of, Come up with and Idea but get bored afta spendin ages on sprites and shit, but if u've got the patiance, GO FOR IT!

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Posted: 21st Mar 2003 22:28
How do you use the point command to check which color u are on

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