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DLL Talk / Drawing DLL?

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Joined: 11th Jul 2004
Posted: 13th Jan 2005 21:00
I posted this in the DBPro forum but i got no help, thought maybe someone on this forum could help.

Quote: "
Is it possible to draw a filled parallelogram or rhombus in DBPro.

It would be easy to draw a unfilled one using the line command.

Has anyone built a drawing dll?
Rob K
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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 21:34
Why not use the line command to draw a filled one as well?

A parallelogram could be create from a series of angled lines.

BlueGUI Windows Plugin
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 06:43
I thought about creating a function and making my shape with lots of line commands but i figured it would probably be too slow as i want to create 4+ shapes and animate them.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 10:50
Lmao! It would be easy to do with sprites, but I am very awkward, I want many different sized shapes and it seems silly to sit about drawing them all in paint if their was anyway to make them with some code.

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