` *** (C) 2005 ZTEALMAX - Server Status ***
` http://www.darkbasicpro.tk
rem Generate html for starting game server
Print "Generate html for starting game server"
status$="<img src="online.png"><B>ONLINE</B>"
delete file "status.htm"
open to write 1,"status.htm"
write string 1,status$
close file 1
gosub accountinfo
rem Generate html for shuting down game server
Print "Generate html for shuting down game server"
status$="<img src="offline.png"><B>OFFLINE</B>"
delete file "status.htm"
open to write 1,"status.htm"
write string 1,status$
close file 1
gosub accountinfo
rem Reading your ftp account information
print "Reading your ftp account information"
open to read 1, "account.txt"
read string 1, ftpurl$
read string 1, username$
read string 1, password$
read string 1, file$
gosub upload2ftp
rem uploading status file
print "uploading status file"
ftp connect ftpurl$,username$,password$
ftp put file file$
set cursor 30,30
This generates an html file and uploads it to your
web server via FTP
get the complete packade on
[DOWNLAOD] button
Modify it to fit your needs...
Quote of the week: These humans i like, they are greedy! - Quark (DS9) - [href]www.darkbasicpro.tk[/href]