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DLL Talk / How could i make my add plug-in-able?

Teh Go0rfmeister
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 01:09
I'n making a terrain editor, and was wondering what would happen if sometime in the future someone wanted to make a plug-in to be able to plant trees, or i wanted to make an expansion to plot rivers etc, what would i have to do to make it possible for myself and others to do this?

I understand it's something to do with making my own scripting language, but please can someone be very nice and explain to me in great detail, i've had no experience of plug-ins before except installing the advanced terrain plug-in and CR's .net

Teh Go0rfmeister
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 02:17
oops, that was meant to say "app" :S

Teh Go0rfmeister
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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 06:26

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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 10:00
Well, basically all you do is have your own scripting system with all the stuff that your editor can do and junk. Then the dll's use those commands and other stuff to make it better. Thats the simple version

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 07:54
perhaps i could help i am working on ym own scripting language and could help u with yours

here is an idea for like umm the functions of dlls
have it like a find first..find next type thing and have it open each script file and have it like a keywords file type thing

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"others understand me but i dont understand my own thoughts"
Teh Go0rfmeister
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 07:58 Edited at: 22nd Jan 2005 07:59
ok, make a quick demo of what you can do, show me it, if i like it i'll let you in the team

edit: though i was initially thinking of plugins as in dll's but whatever.

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 08:36
here is my old scripting program it is in for a rewrite right now though
it uses a single array for each vairbale type and references them by numbers which is mainly what i am doing the rewrite for
well here is the actual program

and of course a simple media player showing its usability

well there u go the things i am changing about it are the vairables
able to have gosubs(functions im nto sure about)
able to have unlimited variables as logn as they are predeclared(u cant just say print abc uwould have to dim abc as int then print abc
make it faster
and some other stuff
current rewrite progress 5%

come to my forums formerly: 404 name not found
"others understand me but i dont understand my own thoughts"

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