Quote: "*rushes out to purchase more EA stock*"
Should see about a Microsoft team when you finish Uni, company stock is worth a tad more
Seriously speaking about what EA are doing currently... well quite frankly they're a business company who's lasted just as long as Microsoft because they have similar business strategies when it comes to aqusitions. EA are merely taking advantage of the currently market state.
As it was noted a few weeks ago and will probably be echoed at GDC in March, 'Gamers are waking up to the same generic rehashed titles, and are begining to demand more bang for thier buck with more original titles that make game playing fun again'
The fact is the industry while the big games still rake in the cash is slowly dieing just as the movie industry did in the 60-70s, and had to be 'reborn' with E.T.
Rather than looking at what happened to the movie industry and thinking 'yeah, well they never made the money we have'.. companies like Eidos / UbiSoft / EA / Nintendo / Microsoft / THQ have all be purchasing new companies like crazy recently. EA has the most coverage of this, however it is clear alot of companies are trying to consolitate thier markets and get the widest cashflow rather than just the biggest hits.
Vivendi Universal would be doing this if, ya know half the industry didn't see them as the Devil in an Orange logo.
Seriously after the debuckle of World of Warcraft and Half-Life 2, alot of companies are finding it very hard to trust them; especially considering alot of thier staff are currently defecting to smaller houses in droves just to get away from them.
Soon we'll be looking at a big shift of power across the board really, THQ / UbiSoft / Eidos really do have much more exciting titles lined up currently... with Nintendo still pushing thier own unique brand of stuff. What is going to be seen is what is really currently being seen at the moment. A huge shift in purchasing.
Half-Life 2 proclaimed as 'the best game of history' by a number of magazines quite proudly in my local Game and GameStations sites on the shelf according to the guys in GameStation is actually selling pretty badly there. Where-as try to get you hand on a copy of Zelda : Four Swords... was out-of-stock the first 3x I tried to buy it!! This has been a pattern recently with alot of games, like Prince of Persia : Warrior Within. I wasn't able to purchase the GC version, so ended up getting the PC version instead. (took it back the other week to trade platforms).
But it is a major shift in what people are purchasing. Even the top 10 Game Chart is a very interesting blend of games atm, more interesting than it has been for almost a decade imo...
Says something to everyone, especially those who wish to create nice small eclectic games here