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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Post your ideas about what FPS game you wanna make in FPSC :-)

The Nerd
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 00:49 Edited at: 21st Jan 2005 00:50

While we are all waiting on FPSC it could be cool to post and write about a project you wanna make in FPSC
Here are some things you could write about:

1. The story line
2. maybe a screenshot of your level design
3. All other things you wanna tell about your project.

I will start with a project im gonna make in FPSC:

Titel : Dark Corridors

I have also made a story line
Here is it:

The person you play is called : Jim

Jim is just got on hes work. Hes working for a company called "WWR" (World Wide Research).
Jim Dosn`t know much about the company other than they do research in natural medic.
In the same building as Jim working in There is a door that leads to a lab deep underground.
The door to the underground lab is beeing blocked by the police.
Jim works on a office on the buildings second floor.
Every day he walks pass the blocked door. One day he walked pass he heard a scream coming deep from the underground He forgot it fast as he thinked he heard wrong.
Undtil that day were he were sitting at hes office and suddenly hear a door getting smashed and a lots of screams....................What is happening?

Here is a pic of the level design(Still work in progress and sorry but its written in danish) :

In the first level you start walking into a reception and take a secure card to open the lift to the second floor with.
Then you walk into you office and then a trigger zone will start playing sounds like a door getting smashed and a lots of screams.

Then....... you have to fight!!

Oh i also have a question(sorry for being off topic):

Can you make a triggerzone were you get a weapon?


The Nerd

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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 00:58
oh my god! I've just started learning Danish and I've actually found a use for it (apart from being rude to people in Brondby)! thanx for making me feel clever.
Jeg kan tale Dansk! Jeg er God! Tak for Mad! Hold da kaeft! etc.. etc...

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The Nerd
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 01:08 Edited at: 21st Jan 2005 01:08
I know that you`re danish or in you location the stand Denmark/London. But please dont go off topic

Jeg er også dansk

The Nerd

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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 01:14
I had an idea for a tongue in cheek / spoof FPS game called "Search for Hitlers Soul"
I dont think that I'd be able to make that. Its was just going to be based around all the clichéd WWII games that have been around after Wolfenstein.

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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 02:42 Edited at: 21st Jan 2005 02:44
Heres a pic from quite near the start of a game I am developing that I may port to FPSC, though I recon I may have to modify the content somewhat. It may be asking too much of FPSC. Well see.

If I decide to move it to FPSC then levels will probably be updated with changes to much of the content including the textures and overall level design.

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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 03:42
If we could do THIS in FPSC then I never will complain!!! Very nice, looks cool. Well we'll see what FPSC can do...

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Van B
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 04:04
FPSC could handle that very well, you would have to model a lot of it, like the tracks would need to be a segment, and the signs etc would need to be seperate entities, but if your prepared to put in the work then nothings stopping you.


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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 04:11
Quote: "FPSC could handle that very well, you would have to model a lot of it, like the tracks would need to be a segment, and the signs etc would need to be seperate entities, but if your prepared to put in the work then nothings stopping you."

Van B - can much (or any) of this be created directly in FPSC through the use of primitives and textures? I'm thinking this is the purpose of the segment editor?

or does everything that is created have to be made outside of FPSC and saved as an .x file?

I'm thinking if you want to throw railroad tracks into a level it should be as simple as creating a long rectangle and applying a texture, but can this be done INSIDE the software itself?

Thanks for any insight!
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 05:35 Edited at: 21st Jan 2005 05:39
We will probably need to wait and see the difference in how FPSC actually handles different kinds of content and how they affect frame rates. Unless any of the testers can comment further.......

In the example level pic above you can actually only see in one direction of course. Although I would class this as a relatively small level which it is, the actual maximum unrestricted view distance in this particular case is approximately twice that which you see shown. i.e. there is roughly the same distance with another tunnel in the opposite direction. In this level there are also a number of other rooms leading off the tunnels unseen from this view here which also contain quite a lot of world blocks and entities. There are actually some hundreds of model file and other entities in the level. 411 to be exact. The rails placed here are quite high polygon models having high detail - short length and are joined together as you see. Quite a lot of them from one end to another.

Needless to say if you are at one extreme end of the level and look towards the other straight along the track - its quite a long way in camera view and there are a lot of portals and polygons to render. Black fog is actually used and clipping ranges set so that at the extremities one cannot see beyond fog end approximately 2/3rds along. This clips away the unseen rooms and keeps the FPS acceptable.

It may be the case that .x file entities may affect FPS more or less than other kinds of objects. We dont know yet.

I look forward to recreating a similar level with FPSC as it will allow and posting a screenshot.
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 08:22
As far as i know you dont have primitives in the map editor in FPSC
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 10:25
Squirrel Hunter will be a FPS with an awsome plot with humor, terror, and nuclear infested squirrels.

Shadow Squirrel, an evil squirrel mutated by the evil Mr. Winzoot is terrorizing a young boy named Tenks's dreams.

The game starts where you are walking in the park. Actually, the park scene is gonna be a cutscene, and while there you see a black squirrel. This is Shadow Squirrel in its reqular form, because it can change back and forth between mutant and squirrel. Unfortunatly, this is the last thing Tenks sees before going to bed. Then you start playing as Tenks. Tenks has a dream..... and he must fight Shadow Squirrel in its real form.

When Tenks wakes up, every squirrel has been mutated, nuclear enhanced, and high on power. They are also on a killing spree. So, Tenks must find a group of people to help save the world. He finds a person named Firetrainer, a man possesed with fire.

Everyone is going after Mr. Winzoot, but you know to look for Shadow Squirrel.

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 12:39
Can The Nerd help me come up with a story. Like yours much...
Van B
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 16:21
That's right, you can't directly create say a cube and position and scale wherever you want - you would make the cube in a modeller and add it as a segment or entity. The normal route with FPSC is to focus on using small chunks to build the level, that way it can occlude the unseen detail easily and keep the speed up.

There are segments in FPSC that would handle the walls and the platform, like the platforms might be the floor, then with a trench through the middle and a line of track segments to make the track. There are railway tracks with FPSC, but you'd want to use your own mesh and textures I think.


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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 21:43
The segment creator is not in a very releasable state. It was coded by Lee as an internal tool. After EA release we plan to bug fix it and make it available to all EA users. Just needs some tarting up and some dedicated documentation / video tutorials. Don't ask me how to use it - only the man Lee knows

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The Nerd
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 21:58 Edited at: 21st Jan 2005 22:00
So what you say is that we really cant make small thin corridors like in the 7 min walkthrough movie!!!!!

Danm that a shame if we only can use PREFABS!!!
Segment is really importent... DONT say its out of the EA release PLEASE!!

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Van B
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 22:13
Insert image of Van-B smashing head against wall.

If you have a modeller you can make your mesh and add it to FPSC then use it as a building block on your level - you don't need a segment editor, you only need a modeller and a text editor to add your own entities and segments.


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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 22:18
Quote: "The segment creator is not in a very releasable state. It was coded by Lee as an internal tool. After EA release we plan to bug fix it and make it available to all EA users. Just needs some tarting up and some dedicated documentation / video tutorials. Don't ask me how to use it - only the man Lee knows "

So Rick is it on the table that the segment editor will be more robust and stable in EA or V1? Will Lee actually have time to devote to this area given the pile of work he is devoted to now?!?

I'm thinking in terms of actually creating an object WITHIN FPSC itself. Since many users will want to be able to create simple objects within the program and not rely on prefabs or have to use an external modeling program to create some loose bricks, a round wall clock, a plate of apples or oranges, etc. etc.

Objects like these would be sooo much easier to create, scale and texture properly within FPSC and not require the end user to be proficient with modelling software. Just simple primitives like cubes, cylinders, spheres, and wedges.

...or in other words as the nerd says "Damn that a shame if we only can use PREFABS!!!"

Creating and importing hundreds of objects and trying to make them scale and look proper with FPSC doens't sound very... palatable
It would be much more eloquent to do it in FPSC where you can compare scaling and texturing directly with the rest of the world you are working on.

I don't want to put Simon out of a job , but I do want to see be as creative as possible within the software.

Thanks for your time!
The Nerd
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 22:19 Edited at: 21st Jan 2005 22:23
but isnt there a segment editor in fpsc?
i saw that in the 7 min walkthrough.. And i dont moddel.

Is the segment editor out of FPSC?

if it is will it gonna be free for download later?


The Nerd

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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 22:23
Quote: "If you have a modeller..."

And if you don't? Many people are not skilled modellers. I think the software should have at least basic support for adding small details to levels within the software.

If I want to make a squre stone altar for a horror game I am creating it's infinitly easier for me to whip it up in the proper scale and texturing withing FPSC then to have to break out additional software like Milkshape and Unwrap and keep experimenting with them until the object looks right in the game.

I'm just saying basic primitives should be supported because they can easily add a ton of dimension to level design.
The Nerd
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 22:25
yeah the segment editor just have to be in FPSC
Im not a skilled modeller and i dont wanna learn 3d modelling just so i can make segments.........
A segment editor should really be supported.

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Van B
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 22:30 Edited at: 21st Jan 2005 22:43
Why should FPSC be bloated with a modelling package when it's working fine as it is? - I think the segment editor is for creating the building blocks, like you might say that this floor and these walls and this roof make this room - then you can take that and literally draw your room with it automatically - I don't think it was ever intended as a mesh editor.

A modelling app is probably a lot more complex than you guys imagine, and a simple primitive adding thing would be nice, but then we'd just get posts like 'Isn't it a shame that we can only make primitives and not vertice edit them'.

Bottom line is that if you want to make a unique FPS game with FPSC, your gonna have to come up with the media to make it unique.


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The Nerd
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 22:53
Ok i will ask in another way then:

Can you paint corridors and draw walls in FPSC like in the 7 min walkthrough?


The Nerd

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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 23:03
Quote: "Why should FPSC be bloated with a modelling package when it's working fine as it is? "

I'm not asking for a full blown modelling package just support from primitive structures to dress a level - tracks, pipes, girders, columns, pillars, blocks, ramps... there are an infinite amount of simple objects that can detail a level. If Simon doesn't model dragons teeth for a WWII game they can easily be made with cubes and sunk into the ground.

If you need reasons then reread my posts above. I don't want to get sucked into a big discussion or argument about it - obviously you can model and you are fine with it, I'm limited in my modeling skills and there will be many (MANY) users who have even less or no skill at modeling. I purchased Cartography Shop soley because it works with primitives and has an easy to use snap-to-grid and bounding box features, but it was a very pricey investment to make ($69).

I would prefer to work within the editor where I can see the results directly relating to the game world I am constructing.

I'm not saying that complex objects should be created in the program - if I want a sword I need to model it or get someone to model it for me, but I can think of hundreds to thousands of simple objects that shouldn't need an external editor.
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 23:07
A lot of valuable statements here and also genuine concerns.


Your comment seems to have summed up the situation concisely.

It seems to be rather an odd way of developing not to have primitives included in the editor, patricularly simce FPSC is intended to be easy to use and to be an aid to rapid application development which are really some of its main selling points when attracting new users. Having to model a lot of simple objects outside of the editor, textuiring, then importing, placing, scaling somehow and alike does not seem to be helpful in these respects and sounds like nothing more than adding to the pain. I cant see how this can possibly aid ease of use of speed up development. The very opposite.

Still perhaps we dont yet understand how easy or not the current way of working will prove to be, and unfortunately we wont know until the EA release. Much of the discusion is blind as we dont really know what we are talikng about. Again we just have to wait and see how it pans out.

I guess we presumed that a primitive or segment editor was to be part of FPSC and presumed to much.

From what weve seen from the initial videos and since from the testers putting levels together still seems to be a relatively speedy process unless anything has changed significantly. If we want rather complex geometry then perhaps its only to be expected we may have to put in more effort and that some of that may have to be done outside of FPSC and imported which is fine if it all works.

We just have to wait for the elusive EA. Seems like I keep posting here just to express opinions about something I know nothing about.

Still its nice to talk to you all
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 23:30
Quote: "I guess we presumed that a primitive or segment editor was to be part of FPSC and presumed to much. "

I think that is exactly what I may have done uman.

I'm jaded from many years ago of working with level editors like the build program from Duke Nukem 3D where you could simply point your mouse at an area and raise / or lower it. You could rapidly construct 3D elements right within in the virtual world. It was fun and easy.

but you absolutely put it brillantly when you said:
Quote: "Still perhaps we dont yet understand how easy or not the current way of working will prove to be, and unfortunately we wont know until the EA release. Much of the discusion is blind as we dont really know what we are talikng about. Again we just have to wait and see how it pans out."

So I shall as the saying goes "Wait and see"
Van B
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 00:02
The internal engine of DBPro relies on a grid structure for occlusion, lightmapping, collision - that's how a basic language can make a FPS game creator, it's all optimised and it all stems from the grid system.

In my opinion they've gone the right route with the media, because it's all good stuff, your not gonna want to make your level from cubes. A lot of what your after will be there already, like ramps and columns etc - most of the time you'd probably find yourself replacing textures rather than modelling.

Besides, I thoroughly intend to make vanmesh an ideal modelling package for FPSC, going for a very easy import/export system that will allow really quick media creation for it - like loading up a wall, making a little change, then exporting it out as a fresh wall segment that is ready and waiting for you inside FPSC. This isn't the time to go into details, but just chill, things will be far easier and far less painful than you imagine (and vanmesh will be as cheap as chips I promise).


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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 00:18
Again Van B knows rather more about hows this will work I suspect so we should chill and wait for the release.

Van you seem to foresee exactly the prob with importing mesh elements, the difficulty in terms productivity of is not so much creating a base object but the to and fro from within a model editor and FPSC constantly tweaking and updating to get your object just so as you want it or as it needs to be to fit. That can be a long job.

Overall we must trust FPSC developers to know the best way to go in achieving the optimisation VanB has mentioned.

And if all else fails then VanMesh or your favorite modelling program it is.
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 00:27
All our efforts are being spent on the Editor and the game play. When these items are completed we will release EA. Then we will quickly turn out attention to the segment editor and clean it up - it should not take too long. It will then be made available to all who have purchased in their download section of their TGC account area.

I too realise the massive potential of new segments. When the community starts to take this in their own directions amazing results will be seen for sure.

OK, I'm off now to help the wife and then to play 5-a-side. The battle to complete FPSC will continue on Monday!

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David T
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 00:31
Quote: "Danm that a shame if we only can use PREFABS!!!"

You can paint using segments and prefabs, only the segment editor (ie change segments) will be missed out.

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 00:49
Thank you RickV for the update and the good news that the segment editor will return.
Major Payn
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 01:44
I plan on making an RTS LOL! j/k

Na, the first thing I am probably going to do, is a simple straight forward FPS, but I hope to someday do something along the lines of the original Half life.

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The Nerd
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 01:50
I really wanna see someones level design

Can someone please post a pic of a level design they gonna use?


the nerd

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 01:57
TBH i think most people are waiting untill FPSC actually comes out, so they know what they can/can't do.

So i doubt there are many whom have already planned out levels like you, although i could be wrong!

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 02:14
Unfortunately as we have to wait, thats good advice
The Nerd
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 05:04
Well right now im planning levels of what i know FPSC can.

I know it suports lift were you need to take a secure card to open it. And it also support rooms over rooms. And trigger zones from playing explosion ETC.
Also i know you can drag and drop effects like Steam or fire. And make lightmap for static object.

Thats what i need in my first level.

The Nerd

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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 05:39
Quote: "Besides, I thoroughly intend to make vanmesh an ideal modelling package for FPSC, going for a very easy import/export system that will allow really quick media creation for it - like loading up a wall, making a little change, then exporting it out as a fresh wall segment that is ready and waiting for you inside FPSC. This isn't the time to go into details, but just chill, things will be far easier and far less painful than you imagine (and vanmesh will be as cheap as chips I promise)."

Hmmm... I googled vanmesh (because the regular forum search never seems to work for me) and found the thread where you posted screenshots and some info about vanmesh and I have to admit it does look interesting particularly the parts about it being streamlined to work with FPSC and a bank of prefab parts like character hands, heads, etc.

That post was several months old - have you made any new headway with vanmesh? Is there any kind of beta you could show me because I would be extremely interested in comparing it with other software (especially the aforementioned Cartography Shop)

Van B
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 07:42
Nah, it's still very much a WIP project - it's a monster of an app, had a little break from it and am just getting back to work on it. A lot of the legwork is done though, hoping to have something by the end of April.


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Posted: 24th Jan 2005 23:35
I am not going to use this idea myself, but I envision a super agent sort infiltrating a vast Al Queda terrorist training complex. You have the bizzare classroom situations complete with study desks. You have bomb making facilities, lunch rooms, command centers and so on. This concept pretty much allows unlimited freedom for crafting bad situations for the protagonist. His goal might be to find the secret documents revealing some aspect of a plan to plant an atomic bomb somewhere. Just a suggestion.

The protagonist can clean out one camp and then be "sent" to another location somewhere on the planet where he begins anew. Each new location is a trifle more evil and bizzare in nature, and by the end of each game segment, he has gained another piece of the puzzle. There would be an ultimate goal and nasty bosses.

Eventually he would have an ultimate showdown with the top baddy, defeat him--or it-- and save the world.

As I stated, I don't intend to use the idea myself, but if it inspires someone to take off with it so much the better.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 03:34
I find it hard to believe that you want to make a terrorist game... You don't want to stimulate them do you?

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Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 04:26
Is it me, or does a lot of people want/expect a program that does everything? Modeler, LandScape Editor, Sound Effects, Level Design? my boomstick!
The Nerd
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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 04:31
No i just want a Save/load function then im happy!!!

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Freddy 007
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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 04:32
@Cellbloc Studios

I think you´re right.
There´s a lot of people that overestimates FPSC...

But, hey, we´re just excited

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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 05:12
Nope, just an idea. Change it, trim it to fit the tool, scrape the thing into the trash bin. It doesn't matter. If it doesn't work for anyone, then it's no great tragedy.

Another idea. Last survivor of a great space battle. Your only chance of making it home is to board and capture an enemy's great battleship. Perhaps it wont work either. It doesn't matter. Plenty of ideas floating around. Most wont work. Some will.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 06:13
VanB, I'd really like to hear your ideas on VanMesh. Maybe you can help us in the short term to get something like this added to the FPSC tool kit. Email at

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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 06:56
What's VanMesh?

I don't want a signature.
Mx5 kris
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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 07:42
VanB...part of TGC...hehe...and it is a modeller.

By Plahzmah:
Quote: "Quote: "and if i want to make a gory game ?""

Well take a screenshot then open it up in Photoshop and make it look gory. Then put on the Box Art.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 08:28
Sorry about that. . .I searched it on Google and found some screenshots of the BETA that VanB posted. . .it's pretty cool looking.

I don't want a signature.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 08:58
no, just some of the people "new" to game design.

Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 12:52
ok, ive read through, but i havnt caught it, just to be sure heres my question

1.)Can we do everything you did in the tutorial, I.E create that hall to the side of main room where you picked up the mini gun?


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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 15:35
Check 'Dis Out!

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