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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Post your ideas about what FPS game you wanna make in FPSC :-)

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Posted: 25th Jan 2005 20:07
Quote: "ok, ive read through, but i havnt caught it, just to be sure heres my question

1.)Can we do everything you did in the tutorial, I.E create that hall to the side of main room where you picked up the mini gun?


everything that is in the tutorial can be done in FPSC EA. you dont JUST have to use prefabs.

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The Nerd
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Posted: 26th Jan 2005 03:52
Well i think the manual will answer the most of peoples questions

looking for Royalty free 3D objects?
then Check PanzerGames at this link :
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Posted: 26th Jan 2005 21:43 Edited at: 26th Jan 2005 21:45
Ok i bring it back to the topic, this is my idea (already posted it in another tread...

You are sitting in front of your desk and you are working for a computer company. You know the cellblocks like in the matrix huh... well nothing happens just yet, you walk around, finish some documents and bring it to your boss, end of work. After work you go to a restaurant (something strange happens, still secret) and after that day strange things keep on coming. Then you wake up in a strange building, your instinct tells you you have to get out of it. So you find a weapon, enemies appear (which you find strange off course). Then finally when your out of it, you hear a voice over the microphone saying it all was a big set up and that you've been approved to join (I can't tell). That's where it begins... (I don't want to let this sound like a cutscene so you really have to play everything before I said "That's where it begins". got it?)

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Posted: 26th Jan 2005 23:58
No its not you. (Cellbloc Studios) Earlier on in this forum people read the FAQ and the NEWSLETTER and then keept their questions in the realms of reality. All of a sudden people seem to think that there will be a modeling tool, Soundtool, advanced physics,
per pixel shading and drivable vehicles.

That people still think that there will be tools for primiteves in the map editor still leaves me speechless.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 02:22
Quote: "That people still think that there will be tools for primiteves in the map editor still leaves me speechless. "

That people think that a game created strictly out of prefabs will be even vaguely interesting leaves me bewildered.

Besides I asked for their inclusion in the segment editor not the map editor (though it makes sense that objects should be able to be scaled, moved, rotated etc within the map editor)

oh right I forgot the pat answer of "go learn to model", which goes with "go learn to code"... who is this software designed for again?

Apparently it's only designed for 2 classes of people:

1) complete and total amatuers who will be happy with click and point rooms populated with only what comes with the game


2) "Pros" who can use 3D modeling software and think it's beneath them to create simple objects within the game.

Apparently I am the odd man out who doesn't want to have to model a soda can becuase a small simple cylinder would do the trick... of course Simon has thought of everything so either soda cans will be included or else I just don't need them.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 07:30
FPSC has got a tile placement system in the map editor.
Learn to live with it.
And making a "small simple cylinder" in Milkshape is just as easy as making one in say "Worldcraft". (wich is a map editor that supports primitives).
Everyone will be able to make games with FPSC and i think that is great. But if you want an original game with your own unique content then you will have to learn to model and possibly script. That is how the world works.
"Everyone can buy Paint but you can only make a masterpiece by LEARNING HOW to paint"
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 08:20
The point people who would like to have primitives in FPSC are making is Dragging a Cylinder primitive from a primitive library within a game engine editor into a level, placing, scaling and texturing in situ is without any question of a doubt a faster method of production than making it in an any external modeller and importing. FPSC is meant to help make game making development easier for those with few skills and primitives add that to an internal editor. As I am aware FPSC perhaps incorrectly is intended to be a tool for the masses and not particularly people who already have an interest in game making. Many of those may find it difficult even to create a simple cylinder object and get it into FPSC correctly. Which is why there may be some entities of various kinds to fit most circumstances supplied in the download. I dont think. Dont knock them primitives are extremely useful.

I dont think FPSC is going to be designed with pros making commercial titles in mind at all, though some may use it successfully.

As it happens you wont be getting Primitives so you will be taking the longer route if you can and make some of your own models to import to the library so that you can indeed buld your own set of "Primitive objects" that you can drag where you want when you want and save some time.

Honestly is there any one Forum member who would not like to see something or other in FPSC that you wont have and has asked if it will be in the EA or in some later version?

Well thats just what people are doing - asking - perhaps you've asked already? So dont deny anyone else that right.

Of course as you say people - all of us should consult the FAQ first, quite rightly but that just aint gonna happen - particularly when a new member come around - if it annoys people that much now, just wait - following the release till you get hundreds or thousands of new Forum members joining and I hope FPSC does.

Perhaps if a Mod or someone else official thought it a good idea a PROMINENT thread could be placed at the top of this Forum outlining Forum rules or else just saying "Read The FAQ Before Posting"

That would help reduce this kind of repitition question.

More peace to all
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 08:27
Altough i am right.. FPSC is not designed to use primitives in the map editor. That is just the way it is.
You make your indevidual pieces with a modeling application and then use them to build your level on a grid area. That is the way
it works.
Every "easy" to use program has limitations and the application specs are right there in front of us. (in the faq and newsletters)
so then why nag the forum about Primitives.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 08:31
You are incorrect in some of the points you have made. I dont intend to get into a debate about it though...Read the FAQ
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 08:31
Altough if you cant model your own pieces TGC have been nice enough to pack in a great variety of models with FPSC for you to use.
If you want to use your own unique content there are lots of easy modeling programs out there for you to use.
I learned Milkshape in 1 day and i learned Lightwave in 3 days and im not that bright. I just downloaded the video tutorials and followed the steps. Then i used those same steps in different ways.
This thread is good if your looking for the right modeling
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 08:32
And uman i am not incorrect.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 08:39
OK then if you say so - you use your methods - I'll use mine.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 08:40
Quote: "FPSC has got a tile placement system in the map editor.
Learn to live with it. "

I don't think we understand each others points of view, but that's o.k. Ultimately I will live with whatever FPSC provides. I just want to be able to offer suggestions to the developer about what might make the program more attractive and or useful to users.

Quote: "And making a "small simple cylinder" in Milkshape is just as easy as making one in say "Worldcraft". (wich is a map editor that supports primitives)."
Granted, but the point is to be able to make things in the editor itself rather than have to constantly minimize/jump back and forth between programs.

...and you may not realize it, but you have in a sense validated my point somewhat. There are many existing editors out there that feature primitive object creation right within the editor. I would just like to see FPSC have the same functionality. It's not a must have feature - it's a nice to have feature

Quote: "But if you want an original game with your own unique content then you will have to learn to model and possibly script. That is how the world works."
I agree with that statement to a degree. I'm not arguing that someone shouldn't learn to model out complex objects, just that the software would be easier to use and produce more varied/interesting worlds if it had support for primitives.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 08:47
Don't you think that primitives would totaly break the Grid based map editor they are working on.
What i mean is that its like two completely different directions of making maps.
They would have to use BSP maps and have to build the entire map with primitives. Then people would be here whining about it being to hard to make a good map.
That is why they choose the Grid system, because its easy.
ohh well im rambling. This wont lead to anything anyway.
You have your point of view and i have mine.
Hope you get as much fun out of FPSC as i am going to.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 08:55
Quote: "Don't you think that primitives would totaly break the Grid based map editor they are working on. "

Then I guess I do not understand what you are talking about.

If the program can support an unlimited amount of entities (limited only by the total amount of polys that are on the screen at any time), and entities can be placed where-ever then why is this such a problem for the program.

I mean if there can't be primitive objects CREATED IN THE SEGMENT EDITOR (which theoretically does some magic thing TM to the prefab that makes it work within the grid system) then why can't there be some primitive objects created and placed as entities???

I'm just not getting why this would be a problem or "break the system"?

PS - not trying to drag you into an arguement I'm just not understanding why this would be technically difficult to do.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 09:04
I am not saying that you cant make primitives with the entity editor or a modeling tool and then use them in FPSC. That is totaly possible.
But those primitives will basicly be simple objects (models) that you can click out. Like everything else.
What i am saying is that there wont be the usual BSP primitives like in worldcraft (halflife, quake editor)
You wont be able to draw out a solid block in the map editor that you can then texture, resize, rotate, clip, hollow and use these blocks to build the map. The FPSC engine does not use a BSP mapping system were you place primitives like in a modeling application.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 13:43
All right, getting back to what this thread is about, my game is called "The Zanw" (Zan Double U). It's about a government ruling the earth and at the saem time betraying everyone. You, a superhuman rebel must shut down the core of the government via a computer system. Easy you think??? Hah, only if it were opposite day. You need to fight through hundreds of enemies, die many times and have to unlock secret doors to win. (Has four missions). I'll try and put the game here on this website.


Don't F**king cuss!
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 21:02
Reminds me a little bit of STRIFE
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 12:10 Edited at: 31st Jan 2005 12:11
Alright now that I had all weekend to play around - I decided to clean up my act a bit and get a little more professional about things. Henceforth PogoPogo shall be Cloud of Crows Studios.

Here for your perusal gentlemen is my idea for the game I am interested in creating:

Quote: "Golgothica

The year is AD4048. It is known as the antetheurgic age of man. A new millennium of prosperity and devote spiritualism has arisen. The Holy Solar Empire rules supreme over mankind and brings with it a dawning of great and terrible power as well as frightening and bizarre technology.

The empire's influence knows no bounds. It extends from Terra Prime throughout the known universe. Save for a few alien homeworlds, the church now has some form of control in nearly every sector of every galaxy. It is a strong and vigilant power whose citizens are protected by vast armies of armored troops and mechanical warbots - the force known as the Imperial Legionnaires. Men who are unwaveringly loyal, brave, and heartless - the purity chips embedded into their brains see to that.

Yet despite all of this power, it is a time of uneasy peace, for the empire has many enemies both from outside and within...

The game begins aboard the Cathedral ship Bastion of Faith. The Bastion is returning to Terra Prime from the Iberia sector, ferrying excomms back to face trial and persecution. Excommunicates (excomms) are among the most feared and dangerous of criminals... enemies of both the church and state.

You are Excomm 743297-X7. Name: Ravens, Adrian J. You have a rap sheet as long as your arm. You should know... they dermal fused it on there as a bincode tattoo. A permanent mark to brand you as a vile and useless member of society. You have been sentenced to death.

Take solace in this however - you can rest assured you WILL be the last to go.

Ships of this future age use strange and massive star engines to move great distances through space by tearing huge rifts through it's very fabric. By slipping into the inverted side of our universe, time and space have little meaning and they can be sidestepped as the physical rules of life as we know it no longer apply. This other place... other side of reality, has no light, no energy, no life of any kind. Creatures that move through it technically "die" for a short period of nanoseconds. No one truly understands why or even how this can happen, but because of it this alternate dimension has been coined as "Deadspace".

As the Bastion tunnels it's way through Deadspace, a set of far reaching plans and twisted machinations are set into motion. Unbeknownst to the crew of the Bastion (and it's "passengers") a rogue fanatical sect of warriors calling themselves the Brotherhood of Man is about to attempt to seize control of the ship. Their actions will ignite a hellstorm of dark and sinister events that could threaten our entire universe and everyone within it!

You awaken from solitary cryotainment feeling groggy and disorientated. You've been set free by someone... or something. You are about to step foot into a universe turned upside down as the Deadspawn spill forth from their dark fetid home seeking to extinguish our lives and our universe.

In short - it's just not your day."

Big ambitions - lets just hope I can live up to 'em

The artist formerly known as PogPogo

Golgothica: A FPS Sci-Fi/Horror Game -


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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 16:46 Edited at: 31st Jan 2005 16:48
oops, replied to an very old posting...
Where is the delete post button???
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 17:18
I have to reply with my idea, It's quick and fun!

It's online and Its username and passworded, I give a tour to 2 of my friends (who have usern and passw) on the internet! I walk around in my game showing them game development, then while testing a mayjor tests in a chamber everything starts breaking and we all fall and land in games I'm half way through! Dinis, Sharks, Zombies and we have to meet back together!

Eh, eh?
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 01:56 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 02:00
I wanna make a game where you chase the designers of DBP and FPSC around Lee's computer room with a big stick. The game will be called Chase the Designers of DBP and FPSC around Lee's Computer Room with a Big Stick(c)(tm).

You can upgrade the stick to a stick with a nail spike via the biggie damage powerup in the form of a darkbasic pyramid happy-meal.

Death to the infidels and all that...Unlimited rice pudding, etc, etc... RANT RANT RANT!!!


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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 02:02

If you dont make it in the game world and I'm sure you will - you could always be a cartoonist

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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 02:05 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 02:09
I can do better stuff... Here's an iron maiden image I'm working on. I'm not a headbanger or anything, but I like thier first two albums and the 1 live album with Paul Dianno.

Hrmmm...JPG seems to make it all blurry and washed out. The PSD looks much better.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2005 10:37

hi all

plese help me .

i need fps creators .

where is it?

can i get it ?

can i download it?

plese help me .

thank you.

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