i can surely understand misspelled words from time to time. but when people misspell words like "what," "much," "please," and "with," i really wonder if they're TRYING not to spell correctly. i mean, really, these are words you see every day and use in probably half your sentences! they're not exactly high-level vocabulary!
but what pisses me off the most is the inability to figure out when to use "to, too, or two" or "there, their, or they're." here's an easy-to-use guide, everyone!
1) are you showing some kind of direction, whether it be movement or some other action? USE TO
2) are you saying "as well" or "also" or possibly an excess of something? USE TOO
3) is there more than one but less than three? USE TWO
1) is it a place? USE THERE
2) is it someone else's? USE THEIR
3) are you talking about someone else being something? USE THEY'RE, BECAUSE IT'S A (*#%ING CONTRACTION FOR "THEY ARE"
hope that clears up some confusion that should have been cleared up when you were in
second grade
"when it's done" means "we have no idea, we forgot to do that; we were hoping you would all forget we promised <insert exotic promise here>"