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FPSC Classic Product Chat / A few other questions

Avan Madisen
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 08:13
How easy would it be to create stealth gameplay in FPSC, for instance, something like Thief?

Would it be possible to incorporate LOD options in the menu system, for instance, telling the game to use low res textures and objects for slower systems with less memory, and using high res textures and objects for monster pcs?

How many 'modes' can weapons have, and what kind of options do we have? For instance in Halo, the plasma pistol had two modes, one was a rapid fire mode if you pressed fire repeatedly or you could charge up a shot by holding fire to do more damage.

In Thief 3, the character you play has a physical presence, in that if you look down you can see the character's body, would this be easy to do?

(I have asked this before but only the bit about keys for locked doors was answered) - Can we create an inventory system where things like medipads can be stored and used at will by the player, and would these items be kept when moving into new maps, or would the inventory be wiped clean? Also, would it possible to create shops of some kind?

I'm thinking of building a map set in a space station where you can see right out into space and see the entire on the station. How complicated would a map like this be to build in FPSC, and would I be able to have a moving 3d moon in the sky and fighter craft patrolling around the station?

Duke Nukem 3D had a system where you could create a moving train that followed a set of waypoints and stopped at stations. Could FPSC do this, and with multiple trains and routes? Note, I'm not asking about vehicle physics, just a block that looks like a train following way points.

Tron 2.0 had the disc weapon that, once fired, could not be fired again until it came back to you, is this kind of weapon possible?

(As far as I know, no one has asked this) Can we create underwater sections of maps where the player has to swim through, sewers for instance?

Does FPSC have teleporters? Also, some games, like Hexen, used teleporters to move the player without the player realising, creating some interersting map 'annomalies', could we do things like that?

I notice somewhere that someone mentioned FPSC can have hills but you can't walk over them. Does this mean they are outside of the main map area, or are they large objects within the map?

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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 08:18
In one way i hope you get good answer to the questions. Altough
many of them probably have the answer NO.
On the other hand i want to send you over to this
Lucky answer hunting.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 08:40
Avan Madisen,

Some interesting questions there and we all look forward to the answers - if not before then when FPSC EA is released.
Rob K
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 08:48
Graphics / LOD - You can select the texture quality on the build game menu. For some odd reason FPSC does not incorporate this setting into the game itself.

Modes - Only one as far as I know.

Physical Presence - Not sure.

Inventory / Shops - No.

Space Station - Easy to build the level, although viewing the entire level at once might not do the engine any favours. Patrolling ships / moving moons are out.

Trains & Waypoints - Enemy AI can follow a series of waypoints. Create an 'enemy' that looks like a train and hey-presto.

Underwater - No. Taken out because of physics & graphics complications

Teleporters - Yes. 'Invisible' teleporters - no.

Hills - All of the FPSC architecture that comes with the game is designed for building levels in blocks - there is no system for creating nice shapely terrain. However if you want to create the appropriate segments / entities you could create walkable hills.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 08:56
Rob K,

Thanks for those answers.

Walkable hills - excellent.

"Trains & Waypoints - Enemy AI can follow a series of waypoints. Create an 'enemy' that looks like a train and hey-presto"

Does that mean one can set the enemy so that although it would need to be one in order to follow the waypoints - we can have them so they are not attacking enemies - obviously so? Would not do to have a train shoot at me Now run me over thats a good idea.

So casual bypassers or pedestrians are possible - nice
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 09:32
W00t! FPSC sounds great so far. I can't wait till Feb 11. Of course, I have to pay $64 for that science textbook I lost, but then I want to buy fpsc. Muahahahahahahahahahahaha


MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 10:10
Can you have a Train not be an enemy??
Richard Davey
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 10:51
Entities don't have to be enemies, they will only attack you if their AI script is specified to do so.

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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 11:19
Quote: "Trains & Waypoints - Enemy AI can follow a series of waypoints. Create an 'enemy' that looks like a train and hey-presto."

Then I think it should be possible to do your patroling spacecraft & moon the same way - create them as an entity
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 12:32

Flying thingies - I presume the problem is that entities can only follow waypoints that are positioned a certain distance above any solid floor plane or such like, waypoints probably cannot be set high in the air above a solid surface, a flying object would fall to ground - though I maybe wrong there.

We dont know the exact technical reason do we?

Maybe a workaround would be if its possible to do? Use an invisible floor and set way points on that. Primitive but it may work. I can only speculate.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 12:48
Yesss. So I can make cars.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 13:56
Quote: "Flying thingies - I presume the problem is that entities can only follow waypoints that are positioned a certain distance above any solid floor plane or such like, waypoints probably cannot be set high in the air above a solid surface, a flying object would fall to ground - though I maybe wrong there."

Yikes! Good point there. I was sort of assuming that through the "porthole" or what-have-you you could see the endless expanse of space. Guess it didn't occur to me that you would some form of platform to hold the entities up on.

There may well be workarounds: invisible floor, VERY "tall" entity with no legs/lower body, possibly entites can "ignore gravity", etc. etc.

Have to wait and see what can / cannot be done!
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 23:51
I was just thinking (thats quite a new concept for me!), could you not fake water?

Sure it wouldn't look great, but if you started on a raised plain that you could walk on, then had another plain next to it with a water texture which you could walk thru, wou would fall to the sea bed, you could add blue/green lighting under the water to give the affect of emmersion!?!

I dunno! Jus a nother thing to try i guess.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 00:50
Quote: "I was just thinking (thats quite a new concept for me!), could you not fake water?

Sure it wouldn't look great, but if you started on a raised plain that you could walk on, then had another plain next to it with a water texture which you could walk thru, wou would fall to the sea bed, you could add blue/green lighting under the water to give the affect of emmersion!?!

I dunno! Jus a nother thing to try i guess. "

Seems plausible. One of the shaders manipulates the surface texture to make wavelike motion so it will be interesting to see if it's possible.

Of course your fake underwater won't behave like water (you can't swim, shots won't look or sound different, vision will be clear instead of blurry), but it is possible these things can be "faked" as well. We will have to see what fun things we can do with zones (fog, lighting, sound distortion, etc.)

Good workaround idea though nvc450
Rob K
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 00:54
Just to clarify, when I say 'enemy' I basically mean any entity that thinks and moves.

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Avan Madisen
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 06:54
Thanks for those answers!

Quote: "So I can make cars."

I assume so, but it wouldn't move like a real car, it'd follow the way points.

Quote: "although viewing the entire level at once might not do the engine any favours"

That just depends on how big the station is!

A couple of things about that trains that weren't mentioned, could we make the train(s) stop at stations, like in Duke Nukem 3D, and could we ride the trains?

Quote: "Then I think it should be possible to do your patroling spacecraft & moon the same way - create them as an entity"

Well, I'd like the craft to tilt as they turn, but I'd have to see how I could do when I get the software.

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 09:51
Will the tiers on the car move? I think it is cheesy to have a moving car with the wheels staying in one place!
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 09:56
If you animate them moving on the model they will probably move in game.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 11:49
Avan Madisen
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Posted: 30th Jan 2005 06:07
I don't see why the car wheels shouldn't move, although it may be tricky to get them to turn with the car, although if you made them always go in a straight line and disappear off the map edges say, through tunnels and reappear out of other tunnets. I think you could get away with that. Another option would be to use hover-cars, that way you wouldn't need wheels!

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 00:04
I don't think it would look to bad not having the wheels turn with the car. Or would it?
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 00:23
If you animate it that the wheels spin, will it look like spinners then? Will they rotate even if the car isn't moving?

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 00:57 Edited at: 31st Jan 2005 00:58
Not if the car is an enemy and you have set
the walking animation with spinning wheels and the
idle animetion with non spinning wheels.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 04:22
This is what I want/expect a program that does everything? Modeler, LandScape Editor, Sound Effects, Level Design? If it doesn't what good is it . Most of the info i seen so far we could do in the 90s . Nothing new , lots of sizzle and no meat . I sure a lot of us will be very unhappy .

We need more INFO please .

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