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FPSC Classic Product Chat / exporting from gameSpace and importing to FPSC

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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 23:38
Questions for the testers using gameSpace to make items in FPSC:

-What size/scale should be used to create segments (walls,floors)?
-What is the polygon limit?
-What is the exporting method to use? (assuming .x file, but what options?)
-What are the texture size limits?

About static meshes (tables, plants, other scenery items)
-what is the polygon limit?
-can smoothing groups be used?
-can multiple textures be used?
-can materials be used?
-what is the exporting method to use?
-what are the texture size limits?

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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 23:49 Edited at: 28th Jan 2005 23:50
Interesting.. Cant wait for someone to give us some statistics.
If there are any..
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 00:53
Me too! VanB are you still out there amigo!?!
Van B
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 01:31
I think it'd be more useful for me to make a little pack of guide models, like just cubes but at the right scale for floors and walls, it would mean that as long as you don't scale you could use it as a template. I'll see if I can get that posted tonight.

-What size/scale should be used to create segments (walls,floors)?

-What is the polygon limit?
You should keep it as low as you possibly can, how smooth things run will depend on how greedy you've been with details.

-What is the exporting method to use? (assuming .x file, but what options?)
I'd export to .3DS then export from the DBC 3DS to .X converter, works fine for me.

-What are the texture size limits?
The texture res can be specified when building the game, I'd stick to 512x512 and worry about it later.

-can smoothing groups be used?

-can multiple textures be used?
Yep, but not on single meshes right now.

The entities and segments use a very similar system. Inside the editor you can change textures, so it should be straightforward to have different textures for the same mesh.


It's c**p being the only coder in the village.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 02:08
Quote: "I think it'd be more useful for me to make a little pack of guide models, like just cubes but at the right scale for floors and walls, it would mean that as long as you don't scale you could use it as a template. I'll see if I can get that posted tonight."

That would be awesome! Thank you sir!
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 02:34
Quote: "nside the editor you can change textures"

Van B,

By that do you mean there are included textures you can change to, or do you mean that you can change textures by importing them...or both?

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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 02:36
Thanks for the info.
I didn't expect that my post would be allowed this fast. Thanks.

Well, gameSpace allows .x export directy. Can it not be used? does it not have the proper options? I'd like to streamline the process as much as possible.

More about making segments:
-Do you make a wall, floor/ceiling piece separately?
-Can you make corner pieces?
-Can the segments be scaled in FPSC to fit its dimensions, or
do we have to get the proper scalin in the modelling tool?

What control do you have when putting doors, windows, etc. on the segment? Is it always in the middle?

Does a wall segment have to be flat? For example, can a wall model be made with a support beam or pipe (whatever)?

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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 03:35
PS> Where is the forum FAQ? I'd like to know when I can start posting without having to wait for approval.

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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 07:21
Quote: "PS> Where is the forum FAQ? I'd like to know when I can start posting without having to wait for approval.


I think its usually after 20 posts or somthing.

------------------------------------- - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 29th Jan 2005 07:34
Its the thierd one from the top
Van B
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 04:28
I haven't messed with windows or doors yet, I think they might be a little more tricky as they're actually cut into the segments - major kudos to Lee and Mike on that one.


It's c**p being the only coder in the village.

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