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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Animecivils Level ---Please Rate

Anime civil
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 10:04 Edited at: 31st Jan 2005 12:33
Erm erm, I think I put alot of work into this, considering I did it in 5 hours, and it wa snot mad ein fpsc, and I'm not sure if it isn't too big for fpsc, but I mad ehtis in DeleD, and I think it is beautiful. If this will be able to be rupported in fpsc, I will make a scifi game .

Check the screenchots:

NOTE: This level is unfinished

Velocity Designs - Coming Soon
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 10:23
Needs better texturing.
Needs to be seen lightmapped.
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 10:24 Edited at: 31st Jan 2005 10:24
Not to rain on your parade but
i don't think those will work in FPSC.
But they do look great.
Realy nice scifi level design and
i like the textures.
Anime civil
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 10:38
Thanks, and yeah, that does kinda ruin a perectly good sci fi level, but remember when they said I can export my levels into dbpro? Well, I will try doing that, meaby I will cut up the level into many parts, and import them seperatly. It should work eventually.

Thanks for the comments though

Velocity Designs - Coming Soon
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 13:24
what did u make it in looks cool and what kind of file is it
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 15:08
I think that small entities (tables etc...) will be really easy to import. A large level won't be so easy as it wouldn't work well with doors etc...
I think this question has been asked before.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 22:13
I agree that your level shows good design layout concept.

Whether it would be an optinmised design for FPSC or on any other matter I personally really cannot comment on as I have not worked with it.

Whatever, you will have some nice design concepts in your mind to help you get to a quick start when FPSC comes along.

Good luck with your project
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 00:31
Thankyou all for the comments. I will post more screenshots of my spaceships added to it, and the huge walls surrounding the area

Velocity Designs - Coming Soon
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 02:16
Yes please - I look forward to seeing those
Anime civil
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 05:05
Currently I'm adding the lightmap, and DAMN it's taking long for it to generate it. I have a feeling that when it's done the map will run VERy slow.

Also: I added the huuge walls that are supposed to surround the city, and I added more bridges, roads, etc.

By the way, if anyone is wonderign why I have no ground, it is because I want to add water on the bottom with fpsc when this is done. Then I plan to add a nice sky, most likely a sunset, and make it a nice futuristic sucset with 3 electronic moons and many other cool things

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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 20:44
The best advise I could offer you would be to look at the architecture and texture's available in KOTOR I and II and the Jedi Knight II games. They'll help you alot, seeing how that's what it looks like you're trying to achieve with your current work.

Just borrow elements, and make them your own...With practice you'll get really good. My friend started out that way, and within a year he's working for Raven Entertainment as a level designer. That's pretty cool.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 20:59

I say just use DBPro

You can easily make an FPS there.......

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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 21:02 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 21:22
Yes you can but it will be easier with FPSC
and untalanted people (and non-coders)
have a better chanse of making a good looking
one with FPSC.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 21:03

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