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FPSC Classic Product Chat / FPSC Website/Home

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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 01:36
What can we expect on the FPSC site?

Obviously there is going to be a link to purchase/dl the software and we know the forum is migrating to the site, but what else can we expect right out of the chute?

1.A showcase area for uploading completed FPSC games?
2.Sharing of resources as in is TGC going to host an area for FPSC users to ul/dl shared resources?
3.Hosting links to FPSC designer Websites?
4.A tutorial area for hosting tutorials created for and by FPSC users?
Etc, etc…
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 01:44
Those would all be great.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 02:55
Yeah, no kidding

Don't F**king cuss!
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 04:11
It would be nice if the FPSC site resembled something like for the game neverwinter nights and the aurora toolset it uses.

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Anime civil
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 05:07
I have a feeling I will be designign the template, like all the other sites I've done,

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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 05:31
Quote: " I have a feeling I will be designign the template, like all the other sites I've done, "

Good grief! Just shoot me now...
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 05:39
Thats cruel.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 05:49
You're right, of course. Sorry.

But seriously, good grief!

Luckily, 14-year olds have a very short attention span. He'll get bored in a few weeks and find another forum to troll.

Tic Toc...Tic Toc...
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 06:03
Wish I was 14 again
Anime civil
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 11:26 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 11:31
Quote: "Luckily, 14-year olds have a very short attention span. He'll get bored in a few weeks and find another forum to troll."

I'm sorry, but that offended me as I have been doing this since I was 9, and now I do private work starting at $50 us.

I am opening Velocity Designs soon, whichw ill be my 3'rd domain now:

I am an expert at php, graphic design, etc, and I am only 14.
Now tell me, what have you done with your life, and since you are about 30, it better be good, or else meaby we will find the reason why you hang out at the forums all the time.

If anyone wants PROOF that the site is mine, please be sure to tell me, and I will edit any page. The site is coming online soon by the way, so if anyone wants templates, please contact me.

Also, I have a question for you fdecker, can you design a signature like the one I have, or the 3D graphics I made on the site?
If not, then please keep your dumb comments to yourself.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 11:36 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 23:35
Quote: "Welcome to Velocity Designs, one of the most trusted, and dedicated website resource in the world."

Now, help me out here...since you're an "expert" and all. If your site is "one of the most trusted", doesn't that mean there are other "trusted"? And if so, then shouldn't it be "resources" not "resource".

I'm just checking, no "offense" intended.


BTW...I'm 38 for the record
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 15:57
this is soooo funny i am an expert , something ^^

yeah...thats the ticket !
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 18:27
personally, personal opinions aside, I think that Anime Civil's webiste looks great and if the templates are as good looking as that one then I'd gladly purchase one. - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 18:54
Good templates , but I can't afford it even if it's that low, I'm just 15 and I don't feel like wasting any money.

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 19:29 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 19:30
Quote: "I am an expert at php, graphic design, etc, and I am only 14."

Your graphics are nice, but you need some more work on the PHP side I'm afraid, your site is extremely easy to break

Click link to see what I mean:

And click this one if you feel like crashing your web browser in an infinite resource loop:



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Rob K
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 19:50
Quote: "I am an expert at php, graphic design, etc, and I am only 14."

I beg to differ. Your site is pretty good for a 14 year old, and the graphics are good - but as Rich pointed out, the PHP needs some work. In addition the layout could also use some improvements - The top banner is too large, the left sidebar should be much thinner, and the main site section links need to display some indication that they are actually buttons (eg. subtle rollover effect)

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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 19:53 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 19:53
So "AnimeCivil" is not the miracle teen with ALL the knowledge.
Im shocked.

Seriously realy nice layout "AnimeCivil" i like the color scheme.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 19:58
yeah i liked the site. I'm reconsidering that $50 though. lol. then again its only £25. thats not too bad is it? especially when I cant be arsed with any sorta website design any more... - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 23:42
Now isn't all this interesting?

I find it very interesting that I posted this thread, asking a LEGITIMATE question about FPSC, and yet the responses are dominated by this pathetic off-topic track.

I find it interesting that some of these hard-line "do a search firsters", who apparently don't have the time or patience to answer questions that have already been asked, seem to find the time to respond to and in fact help stroke the ego of this 14-year old forum troller.

I find it extremely interesting that the one person, the only person really, who could answer the original ON-TOPIC question in this thread, would rather spend his apparently limited conversational time comparing notes on PHP.

Yes, all very interesting.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go throw up.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 23:58 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 23:59
Hoenstly Fdecker. We (non Admin/moderators) can't
answer your question.
We don't know how the official FPSC site will look or
what it will contain. I thought all your ideas
were great and i hope that they use all of them.

Quote: "I have a feeling I will be designign the template, like all the other sites I've done"

And "AnimeCivil" should expect some heat when he
posts something as stupid as that. (no offence intended he
just made it sound like he is the core designer behind
the whole web)
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 00:43
Quote: "Now isn't all this interesting?

I find it very interesting that I posted this thread, asking a LEGITIMATE question about FPSC, and yet the responses are dominated by this pathetic off-topic track.

I find it interesting that some of these hard-line "do a search firsters", who apparently don't have the time or patience to answer questions that have already been asked, seem to find the time to respond to and in fact help stroke the ego of this 14-year old forum troller.

I find it extremely interesting that the one person, the only person really, who could answer the original ON-TOPIC question in this thread, would rather spend his apparently limited conversational time comparing notes on PHP.

Yes, all very interesting.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go throw up. "

I cant speak for any of the admin/mods, but I cant answer the question. I doubt if they have even made it yet. Stop throwing a tantrum and act like an adult. - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 01:10
Quote: "Stop throwing a tantrum and act like an adult."

Yep, gotta love good ole fashioned hypocricy.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 01:35
Takes one to know one.

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 01:53
By all means, SoulMan, feel free to enlighten us all and demonstrate with evidence just one example of my behavior on this forum qualified to be labeled 'hypocricy'.

Ya, good luck with that buddy.

Uh oh, are we off-topic now? Pool on who locks it first? ROb K, David T? I've got my money on David T.

Too bad a legitimate, on-topic FPSC question has to go unanswered before the thread gets locked though. "no buts" though. "life sucks", right?
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 02:29

"Now isn't all this interesting?"

I have some sympathy with your post.

This would not be the first relative, interesting, honest and genuine topic which as not received a quantative answer to a question, to degrade into something of a disaster only to get locked.

Of course it may be that the answer is not available and so there is no need to reply unless its to say so.

Its great pity that some threads of interesting topics containing some helpful, relevant, "gamemaking" information are seemingly constantly filled with personal battles and irrelevant content, so much so that it is becoming increasingly difficult to even find a post within a thread that is relevant to FPSC and making a game with it.

Whether its references to some game title or other or other alien non FPSC game making subject it seems its getting theres less info re FPSC than there is about it.

Hopefully FPSC EA will be out shortly and a new Forum will be in place. I look forward to reading some posts that are of a more practical value to making a game with it.

Perhaps when FPSC EA is a reality for Forum members as users they will have better things to do than waste time on superfluous argumentation and concentrate on practical, technical questions, relating to making their game.

Hopefully there will also recieve some relevant answers.

I do hope so.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 03:03 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2005 03:03
I'm so glad you asked that. You will have to read through to find where the messages begin and end.
By the way, what is a 38 year with a Masters in Technology Education doing on a forum about a first person shooter program? Shouldn't you be at work or doing something productive with your time instead of throwing tantrums left and right, telling people you are going to throw up because you can't believe that your post didn't yield the results you wanted? If you had known, Richard Davey is the webmaster here. If you wanted the right results maybe you should have used a better subject line to get his attention or even better, EMAIL HIM. For someone with a masters, it's really hard to explain why you couldn't figure that out for yourself.

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Anime civil
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 03:26 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2005 03:29
Thanks you all. I'm sorry for blowing up with personal attacks on fdecker, and yes, I am planning to encrypt my site somehow, that is one of the reasons why it is still closed.

And I'm also sorry for posting the post that unleashed all hell, so can we now get back on topic please?


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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 03:35
fdecker, you caused this thread to go awry when you posted your attack on Anime civil:

Quote: "Good grief! Just shoot me now..."

So why are you now complaining? Anime civil started posting some inane and immature comments on this forum a few days ago, and he got flamed for it. Since then, he's proven his design and artistic ability, and his posts have been logical and worthwhile reads. He has quickly gone from annoying to interesting. You have done the opposite.

And by the way, I am 41 and have a doctorate, and I have never lorded the fact over anyone. In fact, I consider everyone on this forum -- regardless of age -- my equal.

Time to lock the thread, I hope.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 03:36
You did nothing wrong. However, I wouldn't use the word expert when discribing your work. Maybe use the term very creative or say that I have been designing websites using php, I'm fairly decent at it but I have a ways to go before I become a professional at it.
That would be the way to do it since you wouldn't want to sound like a know it all. Otherwise you get attacked for that reason.
Good example, fdecker. He's watching for people to make claims like that and then goes in with the M16's.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 03:41
I wasn't attacking people over a certain age limit. I was trying to find the logic of why a 38 year old would go out of his way to attack people on a message board. I don't attack unless provoked.

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Logan 5
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 03:48

I understand. My comments weren't directed at anyone but fdecker.

I also have to jump to Anime civil's defense once more, though. Just because he has bugs in his site doesn't mean he isn't an "expert." After all, those of us who write consistently bug-free code should throw the first stone.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 03:56
I'm not saying he isn't. Just needs to use better words. It's people like fdecker that go out of their way to attack other people and prove they are not what they say. I'm just trying to give him advice so that people like fdecker won't have a reason to attack.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 04:06
Logan and SoulMan, I'm asking you to please stop. If I have to keep running to the toliet, I won't be able to keep anything down today. If you've ever had dry heaves, then you'll have some mercy.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 04:44
Quote: " It is a given there is a watermark.

Three things could happen with this:

- Everybody agree there shouldn't be one and a mini revolt starts;

- Everybody agrees you're wrong and a mini flame war starts;

- Everybody thinks different things and a mini flame war starts;

either way it's fruitless and there is no point in arguing about it further. There is a splash screen at the end. Full stop."

Every single question/topic could be plugged into the first line of that post. So why have discussions at all? LOL!!!

But, ok, I give up. I'm waving the white flag people.

What's that old saying again...oh ya...If you can't beat em, join em.

I'll be a good boy from now on massa.

Long live cyber-facism!

fdecker <----- heaves again. ugh.
Richard Davey
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 04:48
Quote: "I find it extremely interesting that the one person, the only person really, who could answer the original ON-TOPIC question in this thread, would rather spend his apparently limited conversational time comparing notes on PHP."

I had every intention of replying to the original question until I read what the thread had already descended into (aided no thanks by your remarks back to the kid in the first place - you call him a troll yet bait him all the same, for the love of God, why?!)

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:13
You're under no obligation to respond to my original question, Richard. That wasn't what I was fishing for. I was using the unanswered question to make a point about a much larger global problem. I believe I have sucessfully made my point. Some may disagree, and that's ok with me.

Incidently, my "good grief, just shoot me now" was not an attempt to bait the 14-year old. It was made out of my frustration of days worth of meaningless and off-topic posts by the little ego-maniac.

Again, I believe I've sucessfully pointed out (with evidence) that this forum is the poster forum for elitism. I'll refrain from futher debate on the issue, simply becuase it is clear to me the majority of users are quite comfortable with cyber-facism occuring here. To each their own I guess.

I will, however, continue to ask my questions related to FPSC, even if they do get locked or go unanswered. One thing I won't do is a "search" before I post a question just so as not to offened some control happy forum mod who doesn't have the self-control not to read a thread.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:16 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2005 05:17
Hahaha, what is going on here guys n gals!?!?!

Now usually i dont bother posting in pointless discussions but it seems that every other thread is of that ilk.

Lets get back on track and stop argueing about pitty things such as locked topics/flaming/trolling. After all what is the point, its just a waste of time.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:25
LOL, so hypocritical. If you dont like how the forums are run, LEAVE. You have stated at least twice that you were going to leave, just go if you have such a problem with the "cyber facism". Its TGC's forum and they can do whatever the hell they want with it.

Fact is FPSC hasnt even been released yet, the only people who have a legitimate right to comment on the product are the people who actually have it (beta testers, creators). You are neither.

You refuse to "search" the forums before posting? Then you deserve a "you should search the forums before you post". Quite frankly its 100 times easier to search for threads that are already there that already have the information and the answers you need than make a post and wait over an hour for a response. I wanted to find out how to implement a quick-sort algorithm in dbpro, took 2 seconds to find the answer using the little search button at the bottom.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:26
After this I feel a lock coming on.
But before that I would like to put one more bit in here.
fdecker, you are just here to cause problems. I highly doubt that you are who you say you are. If you were, I think you would have some commmon sense not to cause trouble and flame a thread whenever you feel like it. Go find something better to do instead of waste our time with your petty posts about why you are superior to everyone on this forum.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:29
*Looking up to my previous post*

C'mon people, really! What is the need to argue....

This board is to discuss FPSC.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:31
yep. lock this thread. - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:33
Now which thread did I click on? FPSC Website discussion or everyone yell at everone else? Animecivil nice looking website but please don't make comments that invite "certain" people to tear you down. fdecker don't be an a**. Who cares if he's trolling, it doesn't take a masters to be able to ignore someone. If you don't like what he posts, don't read his posts. For someone who hates Elitism, you sure do act Elitist.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:35

yep. why not. lock her up.
Logan 5
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:42 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2005 05:43
White flag accepted. From now on, I think we'll all agree to stay on topic and stay friends.

We'll all have a lot more important things to talk about after February 11, after all.

Another vote for a lock.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:43
A totally off topic comment on an on topic point:

Quote: "4.A tutorial area for hosting tutorials created for and by FPSC users?
Etc, etc… "

It would be nice if there was a dedicated tutorial forum thread for the FPS creator right off the bat; something flat out dedicated to running newbies through the learning curve. I know, I know that this FPS package is supposed to come complete with comprehensive tutorials and so forth, but the same was said of DBPro and what was packaged with the flagship programming language sucks sewer water.

So a section devoted just to FPS creator tutorials in the same forum devoted to other aspects of discussion about this product would be very helpful.

There, I've said what I wanted to say and so now we can return to questions of posting etiquette. "Did too! Did not! Did! Didn't"


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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 05:55
Quote: "We'll all have a lot more important things to talk about after February 11, after all."

Very true. However, you'll have to forgive me when I say that I hold out little hope we'll get a chance to discuss them.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 07:44
I'll forgive you.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 08:31
If you dont post things then theres not a lot of point in the Forum.

No one should be discouraged from posting at the forum or it will end up with one a one line track of opinion. Thats not healthy.

End result will be less variation in the games produced.

If and when the EA is released then my suggestion is get on and make games and forget about this forum and others opinions - they dont matter or make your game any better. Actual facts about FPSC might though.

Believe in your own game and ideas is what I would recommend and make it as you would like it to be not what anyone else might consider you should make it be. Be proud of what you do no matter what others say. Its only an opinion.

Then if you have any technical question or query ask away. Keep your eye open for any actual relevant stuff to FPSC game making and again any technical posts might be worth keeping up with.

After FPSC EA, hopefully I wont be around here much at all - at least not posting.

Be selective and dont waste time - spend it making your game.

I'll just drop by occasionally as I dont think there will be anything revolutionary I am likely to miss going on.

At the moment though FPSC is not a reality for me so here I am.

Anime civil
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 10:34
Fdecker, I'm sorry for the personal attacks as I said, and yes, it was wrong for me to call myself an expert, as no one is perfect, but I hope we can resolve this in a peacefull way as I have nothing against anyone at this forum.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 10:39
Here here! And now that things seem to be winding down would perhaps someone who knows be willing to answer the original question?

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