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The 20 Line Challenge / Balance Out III

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 04:36 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2005 04:45
Hey, I got my full version of dbpro finally, so I thought I would convert the old game into dbpro.

Tested in DBPRO 5.7
19 Lines of code also.

Get it in the Code box or you can also get a complied version here:

Here is a piccy:

Controls are very simple, move the board with arrow keys.

Some changes from II:
- Improved texture Quality for the floor
- A slightly different camera movement
- Removed 1 line of code
- 800x600x32 resolution
- Basically minor changes to make it work in Dbpro
The Nerd
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 05:57 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2005 05:58
This is a simple and fun game!
i got a score of 12 LOL

Good job.

The Nerd

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then Check PanzerGames at this link :
Dot Merix
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 06:37
Heh, i managed to get 14.

WindowsXP Home(Service pack 2), Athlon XP 2400+(2.1Ghz), 1GIG Ram, Ati Radeon 9800Pro 128MB.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2005 08:34
Ouch, my wrist really hurts now, I didnt die but i decided i had done when i got to 104.
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Posted: 6th Feb 2005 00:23
That is addictive!
Very clever!

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Posted: 6th Feb 2005 00:44
Great job PiratSS! (10, but I stopped just before the addiction set in ).

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Posted: 7th Feb 2005 02:55
I remember a thing like this, where you had to tilt a board, moving a ball around a maze, and there were holes and stuff. Nice

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Mr Pointless
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Posted: 7th Feb 2005 03:35
Managed to get 10. Then I got worse.

Great work!

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Posted: 18th Feb 2005 01:09
wow, that is impressive, i am not very good at thoose sorta games and i only got 3 lmao! but hey, well done its very good

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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 00:44
My best score was 18! Nice program!
Nicholas Thompson
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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 07:43

Seriously.. You should look into making a proper game (ie menu, sounds, different "boards", etc) and maybe patenting that idea.. Its FUN with a capital PH!!

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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 02:34
hi. that looks a cool game. did u say there was a darkbasic classic version? where is it plz? cheers

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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 04:11
Haha, that was fun! First score was 3 tho after playing for a while I got it up to 6. Rich certainly seemed to like it, if you'll check the newsletter you'll notice PiratSS is now the proud owner of...
Quote: "The DBPro Expansion Pack, FPS Creator EA, EZRotate or 3D Cloth and Particles."

Congrats (can't belive Rich finally brought back the 23-liners, heh, maybe I'll enter something. t'would be great to get fpsc without paying $56 )

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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 04:54
well done on winning!

The happenings of tommorow are behind us now
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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 07:32 Edited at: 25th Feb 2005 08:17
@PiratSS: Hey! Look at this month's newsletter (Issue 26), you won a prize! I agree with that, my 20 line shooter is good, but your code is shorter, 3d and more in the spirit of the 20 lines competition. And it's fun! Congratulations!!!
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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 09:13
Hey, thanks for the comments, didn't think I would actually win anything

Once again, thanks for all the comments!
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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 09:28
You should get FPSC.
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Posted: 25th Feb 2005 09:33
Naw, I want to see what that xpac is about If it's any good, I might get that.
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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 01:29
Quote: "d maybe patenting that idea.. Its FUN with a capital PH!! "

You can't patent an idea thats not yours

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Erick G
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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 04:42
awsome game dude !
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Posted: 20th Apr 2005 11:16
Wow, thanks for the sticky

I am glad so many people found this game interesting and original. I had further plans to make it into an actual game, but I have some other games to take care of first
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Posted: 10th Jun 2005 00:32

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Insane Knux
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Posted: 12th Jun 2005 17:18
Looks pretty cool!
I'd like the compiled .exe, but it seems the link you provided isn't hosting the file
So, could you give me another link, or send me the file via email?

Insane Knux
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Eddie B
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Posted: 1st Jul 2005 16:47
Quote: " Ouch, my wrist really hurts now,"

Owwwww, Same here

I got 2

Email's Checked every 10 Minutes..
Jake Blues
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2005 01:26
Ya...I got 1160952774
No, I got 2

Xolatron old
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Posted: 18th Aug 2005 03:50 Edited at: 18th Aug 2005 19:55
I think it's just my slow Windows ME computer, but the game went so slowly that I could go on forever (Mind you, I had to change the 32 bit mode to 16 because my computer doesn't support 32 bits )
Well, it works better if I change the .01s to .1s
Great game; nice work


It Wasnt Me
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Posted: 18th Aug 2005 17:44 Edited at: 18th Aug 2005 17:46
Your computer supports 15 bit display mode?

If it was me, I wouldn't know it.
Xolatron old
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Posted: 18th Aug 2005 20:00 Edited at: 18th Aug 2005 20:04
Oops, don't know why I typed that... must have been thinking of the 16 bits using 5 for each color (15 color bits, 1 alpha). It's just my old computer, I've got a newer XP one also .
Found out why it was running so slow: windowed fullscreen mode. Changed to windowed (with titlebar) and it worked great.

I got 13

Really awesome job, PiratSS


It Wasnt Me
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Posted: 18th Aug 2005 21:17 Edited at: 18th Aug 2005 21:18
I just thought it funny. I knew it was a typo.

I got 16

Great job, PiratSS!

If it was me, I wouldn't know it.
Jess T
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Posted: 26th Sep 2005 09:04
I'm unsticking this, as it's got hardly any attention, and hasn't won anything new in a while


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Posted: 5th Oct 2005 15:24 Edited at: 5th Oct 2005 20:40

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