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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Is positional sound possible? Beta testers please read...

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 11:29
Hi, can you assign a sound to an object in a room, for example a radio on a desk or a generator in a corner and have that sound "stay" with it's object in the stereo field as the player moves around the room?

Eric T
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 11:38 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2005 11:39

<Mouse> lag, d'you like "real" RPGs? : <drac_work> ... : <drac_work> isnt that an oxymoron : * Mouse slaps drac_work :
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 12:08
I think what he is trying to say is, with the sound be in 3D?

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 12:20
Thanks Eric T for the quick response and clear screen shot. It's good to see you can assign sounds to objects (more than one by the looks of it!).

What I also needed to know though was the stereo part of my question... in other words, if the player walks into a room, and that generator is on the wall directly to his/her right, then logically the humming sound will be mostly in the right speaker/headphone.

Now, if the player turns around and walks back out of the room through the same door, the humming sound should pan across the stereo field as he/she turns and end up mostly in the left speaker/headphone as they leave.

Would it be possible for you, or some other kind soul, to confirm this?

Eric T
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 12:29
Ya know... i actually haven't listened to see if its 3d positioned.... maybe i should do that sometime.

<Mouse> lag, d'you like "real" RPGs? : <drac_work> ... : <drac_work> isnt that an oxymoron : * Mouse slaps drac_work :
<Mouse> don't contradict me bitch
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 13:11
you do that

Don't F**king cuss!
Van B
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 17:35
It makes sense that the sounds be in 3D, as otherwise Lee would have to make his own stereo system and distance check as well for volume, it's far less troublesome to use 3D sounds, which are easy as pie in DBPro (I mean you can position sounds in 3D as well as scaling and positioning the listener, in one of my DBPro games I even tagged a sound effect onto a rocket and it sounds pretty cool whizzing past).


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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 18:53
I've used a sound trigger which if you use a mono wave file, it does seem to be a 3d sound (Well as much as you can tell in my stereo speakers), havent tried it with entities yet though.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2005 06:07
Thanks all, I'm sure the sound is 3D positional. It wouldn't make much sense otherwise!

Not long now and we'll all know

Thanks again.

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