I felt like going the route of 2D for a little while, see if my progess is better than in the 3D realm... well, it sure comes to me quicker [probably from my days programming stupid little graphical programs on my TI-83
]. Well, here is what I've come up with so far, but this will definantly progress into new variants as I work [you will need to download the .png image file in the DL below =) ]:
Rem Project: 2d test
Rem Created: 2/9/2005 7:34:50 PM
`Experimenting with 2D programming
set display mode 1280,1024,32
sync on
`main sprite
load image "1.png",1
sprite 1,0,0,1
set sprite priority 1,3
`sprite for testing collision
sprite 2,300,300,1
set sprite priority 2,1
`sprite for testing shadow
sprite 3,0,0,1
set sprite diffuse 3,0,0,0
set sprite alpha 3,100
set sprite priority 3,2
`I want the positions of the sprites to be oriented over their respective centers
offset sprite 1,int(sprite width (1)/2),int(sprite height (1)/2)
offset sprite 3,int(sprite width (3)/2),int(sprite height (3)/2)
`the movement and rotation variables
speed as float
rspeed as float
lspeed as float
direction as boolean
`All rotation is handled here
if keystate(32) = 1
direction = 1
rotate sprite 1,sprite angle(1)+rspeed
if rspeed <= 4 then rspeed = rspeed + .1
if keystate(30) = 1
direction = 0
rotate sprite 1,sprite angle(1)-lspeed
if lspeed <= 4 then lspeed = lspeed + .1
if keystate(32) = 0 and direction = 1
rotate sprite 1,sprite angle(1)+rspeed
if rspeed >= 0 then rspeed = rspeed - .1
if keystate(30) = 0 and direction = 0
rotate sprite 1,sprite angle(1)-lspeed
if lspeed >= 0 then lspeed = lspeed - .1
`All foreward movement is handled here
if keystate(17) = 1
move sprite 1,speed
if speed <= 10 then speed = speed + .1
if keystate(17) = 0
move sprite 1,speed
if speed >= 0 then speed = speed - .1
`Reset button... basically
if keystate(15) = 1 then sprite 1,0,0,1:rotate sprite 1,0
`I _don't_ need negative speed
if speed < 0 then speed = 0
if rspeed < 0 then rspeed = 0
if lspeed < 0 then lspeed = 0
`Placing the sprite I made earlier as a "shadow"
sprite 3,sprite x(1),sprite y(1)+30,1
rotate sprite 3,sprite angle(1)
`Testing out some circles to follow the ship's position and angle
cx = sprite x(1)
cy = sprite y(1)
angle = sprite angle(1)-90
offset = sprite height(1)
rot_x = offset*cos(angle) + cx
rot_y = offset*sin(angle) + cy
ink rgb(0,0,0),rgb(0,0,0)
circle cx,cy,100
circle rot_x,rot_y,50
`Explains itself
function display_info()
set cursor 800,0
print "sprite overlap=",sprite collision(1,2)
set cursor 800,10
print "X=",sprite x(1)," Y=",sprite y(1)," Angle=",sprite angle(1)
set cursor 800,20
print "FPS=",screen fps()
You can use the "w,a,s" keys to turn and push foreward, and the Tab button will reset you to the begining position. Tell me what you think...
Ignore the avatar...