I dare say I could write (and probably sell) five volumes of book on how to srite good FPI scripts. Fear not, I would not be so distracted, I have a product to complete. I can suggest that the idea Jas has to learn FPI is exactly right. Take an existing FPI file that is close to what you want to do. Firstly, you can find most of the FPI files at files\scriptbank. Good general scripts to study, copy, modify and assign to your entities are switch1.fpi, dooruse.fpi, pickup1.fpi, plrinzone.fpi, pace.fpi and I dare say ten more than are equally useful. Make a copy and then change just one thing from it, like a value or sound filename. You assign new FPI scripts to entities by right clicking on an entity to bring up the properties window, and at the top where you can see AI INIT, MAIN and DESTROY, click to the right of the field data box and it will bring up a file requester. Use it to select your new FPI file you have created and then click APPLY CHNAGES. Right click the entity again to make sure your new FPI is listed in the field data box, not the one that was there originally. Then test the game to see if your changed value has an effect on the entity you are working with. By best advice is to use trial and error, until things start to happen.
"We are the knights who say...eki eki eki fatang loopzoing, zanziga....ni"