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Work in Progress / 3d MAX lightmapping export!

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 00:31
Well, i've been programing like made this week, and this is what i cam up wiht. Making your levels in MAX, but dont' know how to get those pro lightmaps without using actual max lights?? Don't have a powerful enough comp to handle real time shadows?? HERS YOUR ANSWER!!!

It's a plugin that calculates the lights in the scene, and redoes all the objects texture maps. Well, don't understand?? Take a look at the screen. This is what it does:

NO DB LIGHTS ADDED!!!! ALl i did was load a model and postition the camera. Neet huh??

Still buggy, gonna work it out, then don't know, probably do somehthing with it.


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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 06:27
oooh drool! that would be excellent to set a shadow onto the base plates of objects in your game.

nice one

phantom Apollo kudos to u if i could give it

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 08:51
What is the sourse for the light/shadow? This looks so good I'm kinda scepticle. Oh, how about memory, this eat up the frame rate?

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 12:10
he means it takes the current textures on an object then recreates the texure image to include the shadows and light as they are in the scene. Great for stationary 3D scenes, obviously the shadows dont update.

Lightwave has this built in cant remember the command

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Posted: 24th Jan 2003 02:43
Its called "Texture Bake"- its in Max 5 - uses UVW unwrap to remake textures with shadows overlaid. However, I havent managed to get it to work yet!! Not that I've spent a long time trying...What exporter did you use?

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