I think Sgreco is onto something.
Here's an alternative solution to hopefully please both sides of the coin - instead of a lil jpg banner at the end the FPSC devs could do something really swish and artsy:
Have a fade in and out logo at the start saying "Built with FPSC!" - or how about a lil cutesy animation/video/3d animated logo. Something that makes it look completely and utterly uber and is a pleasure to watch!
Just think, the fame! The glory!
It'll be the biggest thing sice the 20th century fox logo! Even George Lucas had no problem putting that on the start of every star wars movie.
I'm on a roll. Make me a creative director and hand me my cross-legged floor pillow (and some rose tinted Lennon glasses).
Show us yer super-animated logo and make us go "OOOooo!" Instead of "Hmmm".
.... Okay, okay well I like the idea anyway.
P.s. I claim no credit for this idea if you decide to do it, just basing it on some other game engines i've seen (and yes, their flashy animated/3d logos made me go OOoo)