DarkBASIC Professional ODE Physics wrapper (WIP)
Welcome to my ODE Physics wrapper for DarkBASIC Professional.
This is a work in progress (time limited) release of the ODE physics wrapper.
The DLL will cease to function after approximately five minutes
No documentation is available as yet so please bare this in mind.
Copy the ODEPhysics.dll file to your DarkBASIC Professional - "./compiler/plugins-user" folder
Include the ODE.dba file as part of your project
There are over 220 functions available in this library, but as this is a
Work In Progress wrapper, not all ODE functions are yet available.
You ARE allowed to distribute the "ODEPhysics.dll file included in this package with your games and
applications (this applies to the not yet released full version only). You are NOT allowed to distribute this library as part
of another physics system (for example, a high-level physics system which uses this library),
or as a single package. The rest of the files included within the wrapper cannot be redistributed.
(C) Paul S. J. Millard 2005
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