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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Take a look at what other people have to say about FPSC

XC Tang
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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 05:47 Edited at: 26th Feb 2005 05:48
While we are all enjoying and praising this exciting new software, the world looks at FPSC with a different eye. Here are some FPSC comments by users of other game development softwares. Unfortunately, some of the comments are negative and untrue.

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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 06:04
I used gamemaker for about 3 years and really, the only thing you can make with that is 2D games or crappy 3D. In my opinion FPSC is way better, yes indeed only FPS but it's enough.

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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 06:15
blah, blah, blah...can't please everyone.

I love how people say things like "well, you can't make a Halo 2 like game with it, so it's not worth it". LOL! I feel like saying to those "people", ya talk to me when you've spent 10 years working on a proprietary development tool and engine and then another 5-6 creating the game.

Some people really need to get over themselves. Seriously.

I do use Gamemaker in my classroom, but it's not a 3D tool...really. It's great for 2D scrollers and platform games though. It's a great teaching tool for my "advanced" game design class with 8th graders.

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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 06:27
The most interesting point is that some version of FPSC is out on kazaa. Depending on which version it is, somebody needs a steel toed boot up side of the head.

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Rob K
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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 07:45 Edited at: 26th Feb 2005 07:47
Indeed - sadly it was pretty much inevitable. You only need some idiot to either put it up for download intentionally or place the download in their Kazaa shared folder and it is available for the rest of the web.

Fortunately most people who have a serious interest in the software will buy it.

EDIT: Most of the comments in the threads the post-started linked to were pretty fair on balance, with only the odd silly post.

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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 18:53
Maybe someone should just upload FPSC in their kazaa folder with a virus attached to it. That should teach them.

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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 21:03
yeah I was interested in the fact that FPSC was on Kazaa. but he called it "the most restrictive piece of crap ever" sounds like he just downloaded the trial version. - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 26th Feb 2005 21:25
It would be funny if people downloaded the trial version 'for free' instead of the EA version, thinking that they were getting away with something. Well . . . except that they would also think that they were getting the complete system and so would develop a wrong idea about it and then pass their opinion around as factual. Hmmmm . . . let me rethink this.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2005 01:33
I can understand pirated versions of Photoshop and things like that that are proffessional tools and that massive businesses spend loads on legitimate copys of. But TGC isnt exactly Microsoft. And it really gets on my nerves because its not even out yet and it only costs £30 anyway! its nothing. - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 27th Feb 2005 03:05
Not one review mentioned it was an EA release, that make me upset, someone can say it’s crappy, I tried the demo and I would not buy it, but not one prat said “oh its still in development and TGC released it so they could gather feedback to make it even better”, sounds like sour grapes to me.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2005 04:37
Its typically the case that on all web sites of whatever nature where software is either reviewd or or otherwise critically commented upon in any way, there are those that have a vested interest in saying one piece of software is better than another. Visitors to any such site would best look in more depth and use sensible judgement in any final analysis. Theres a lot of personalised crap spoken in all areas of life out there.

Really, just ignore anything you dont like.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating as it were. If you think a particular game engine product is good or bad, then what you can make with it and how many people would want to play your game is the only judgement necessary.

Any engine that has the end result of allowing users to "actually" make games that others can "actually" play and enjoy will soon blow away any hype.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2005 04:53
Quote: "Any engine that has the end result of allowing users to "actually" make games that others can "actually" play and enjoy will soon blow away any hype."

So true, I get peed off when someone takes it apon themselves to reveiw a product without reading or revealing all the pro's and con's, it's like me saying I dont like a product so I am going to turn as meny other people against it as possible.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2005 05:25
I also noticed that one of the members (BAMI) from the gamemaker forum downloaded FPSC from Kazaa, that makes him a thief in my book, I wonder if he gave money to the game maker developers?, I did.

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Posted: 28th Feb 2005 11:50
The only thing i know is that this is the best program i have
ever come across

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2005 01:27
Quote: "I also noticed that one of the members (BAMI) from the gamemaker forum downloaded FPSC from Kazaa, that makes him a thief in my book, I wonder if he gave money to the game maker developers?, I did."

(ive registered just to give comment on this one)
I always download the whole program off Kazaa, and when im interested, i register/buy it legally. I wanna see first what it is capable off (and although the program was actually good, it wasnt my taste), you could call it stealing, but think of this:

you want to buy a car, but you can either testdrive a crappy version of the car, or else you have to buy it, and come to the conlusion it just isnt your type of car.

I'm seriously considering buying darkbasic pro (as i think it is, a lot better then FPSC), i have downloaded it off kazaa, yes, but it has pulled me over the line of buying it.

Today, most of the stuff what is downloaded off p2p programs like kazaa, are either used a lot (and at a time, registered/bought legally), or discarded within a few days/weeks (which has happened to me and FPSC)

I hop you dont get mad at me, but i think that these shareware versions give wrong impressions over software.

and yes, i have registered Gamemaker legit (problem is, i cant order stuff online as easely as i could with gm, i made a post check and mailed it to mr overmars (the developer of gamemaker), but i dont have a paypal or creditcard)
Richard Davey
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2005 01:32
We accept checks. Always have done.

Next excuse please.

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2005 01:42
no i mean like direct bank transfers, these only go within country borders.

and you call it excuses, i call it "preventing a possible wrong buy".
i tested it, found it not my style, and deleted it.
I've legally bought about 95% of software/music that i found on kazaa and that i liked, (didnt buy some singles).
Richard Davey
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2005 01:56
Quote: "i made a post check and mailed it to mr overmars"

That isn't a "direct bank transfer".

However, we accept bank transfers also.

Plus Western Union payments.

You ripped off the full version because the trial version didn't do what exactly? We make trial versions so people can trial the software, there is no other excuse.

Perhaps it's time to sign-up with one of those companies that floods Kazaa with viruses and duff copies of software.

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Posted: 24th Mar 2005 02:02
Grow up. Trials are for trying out software. Ripping it off Kazaa and installing it is illegal. Pure and simple. I say we grab his IP address, find his ISP and report him. Thank you for letting us know you rip off software companies.

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 00:35
It's sad to think that 3 years work by Lee and the Gang get stolen, and that includes all the other software you downloaded to try out, this is why small developers give up, as it's not worth battling the thief’s.
Kazaa is illegal full stop, no matter what you download, it’s COPYRITE THEFT, LOOK IT UP.

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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 00:48
What a lot of stones are being thrown in the glass house...
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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 01:07
Actually Aoneweb, it isn't copyriGHT theft. Intellectual copyright law in England has yet to cover software algorithms, and rightly so in my opinion. This would cripple the software industry. Under English law, I believe software is now classed as 'goods' (I'm no solicitor), so different laws are used?

Small software firms go under for a number of reasons - as anyone who writes software will know. How can one person now take on, for example, Microsoft? Answer: you cannot. Blaming software piracy is easy, yet is a very complex issue. Look at the music industry. It charges the same per track over the internet as it does per track on a CD. Economically, it is vastly cheaper to deliver over the net - proven - hence the industries new interest and big new competition in this area.

I do not seek to justify theft. Two cars, one motorbike thieved. One shed burgled. One car vandalised. My own miserable experiences. But I do lock my doors and alarm my house. The Game Creators have done nothing to help you to protect your software, have you done anything? Probably not. Security of software is a developers often last thought, and a fleeting one.
Richard Davey
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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 01:30
Quote: "Security of software is a developers often last thought, and a fleeting one."

The reason is simple - it is impossible to fully protect a piece of software. There is nothing that has to execute on a CPU that cannot be cracked. Which leads to a very common conclusion of "why bother anyway?". We've tried various solutions over the years.. serial numbers, on-line activation, SoftWrap, SafeDisc and others. But it doesn't matter what we pick for the final release of FPSC, it'll be hacked anyway. It's just a fact of development life, but that doesn't mean we have to be happy about it or that a lack of protection makes it any less of a crime to pirate it.

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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 05:46
The last car of mine that was stolen had just had four cheap tyres fitted. The thief tried taking a corner too fast and went into a substantial concrete plinth. The thief was found besides the car with two smashed kneecaps. A policeman rang me some time later to say that meeting the perpetrator sometimes helped the victim. I said that would be good, because then I could recognise him later and baseball bat his brains out. Funnily enough the policeman never repeated that offer...

I know software piracy is theft. I know there is no such thing as a victimless crime. I wasn't trying to justify crime. I merely recognise that the way to make headway is to understand these ppl and their motivation.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 12:02
Being motivated to steal software is normally brought about by the high prices software companies charge for the product, loading Kazaa on my machine would, as I see it, be for one purpose only and that is to steal, software is covered by copywrite law as far as I know, read the agreements when loading, and FPSC is not exactly the most expensive software on the market.
I know of one small developer that gave up developing his product because of theft, I know there are more reasons than that, but hacking software is a big put off when you invest so much time in development and then do not get the rewards this should reap, just so some thief can use it for free, in my book that sucks.

Toshiba Sattelite, 3.2Ghz,ATI Radeon 9000 IGP 128mb, 1.2gig of Ram, Windows XP Home.

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