I would remake Thrust, a BBC micro-computer 32K game I played when I was about 8 or something.
No, it's not an adult game (of course one could change that in the remake), but a semi-space shooter.
You flew above the ground and you had 3 minutes to collect a power orb from somewhere on the map (it was scrolling 2D, if you went far enough you came back to the start) - a little round circle, pick it up and get out of the level. The good part was, the orb hung on a sort-of rope behind you and it was heavy so it would make moving quite difficult (because of the way it pushed and pulled you like a caravan on a car).
It was damn unforgiving too, once I was on level 15, I was just reaching the exit, I realised I was going to reverse, so I stopped but the orb swung straight over my ship and plunged me down into the depths.
The game was composed entirely of two colours, green and orange, and it took 5 minutes to load up off a tape.
Sigh... anyway enough of the old times... does anyone know roughly when this competition will be.
NOBODY has a forum name as stupid as Darth Shader. I do.