I'm reposting this Help Wanted Ad becuase we've made some changes and the openings/descriptions have changed as well.
We have already added the first new positon, Back-end Programmer and Scripts Section Manager. This has been filled by Dylan Barber (famdylan). Our tutorials section is now headed up by Logan 5.
We have one more opening right now: (as of 3-6-05)
1. Media Bank Section Manager
With our new submission system, the Managers will be recieving an email when a user submits (uploads) a new resource. They will then login to the FPS Creators site and "approve" the submission. Once they approve it, it will automatically become available on the appropriate download page.
So, the managers will have two main duties - submission approvals and monitoring the boards, representing FPS Creators in terms of getting the word out, requesting user submissions, etc.
I have already recieved a few interest emails. I'm going to wait a bit longer to see if there is any more interest before making position decisions.
Again, these positons are on a volunteer basis only. If you have the time and desire to commit to somehting like this, here is your opportuntity to help the FPSC community grow and to provide a great area for resources.
If you're interested, I need you to email me at: fdecker@egreen.wednet.edu. I will not be responding to interest messages via the boards. But, if you have questions about the positions or the site, feel free to respond here.