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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Rain can be done now.

Zone Chicken
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Posted: 28th Feb 2005 04:57 Edited at: 28th Feb 2005 04:57
Rain can be done, it's not the greatest but it does work.

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Posted: 28th Feb 2005 04:59
Are you going to let us know how?

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Posted: 28th Feb 2005 05:08
yer you must let us no how

Zone Chicken
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Posted: 28th Feb 2005 05:10 Edited at: 28th Feb 2005 05:31
go to the gamecore-decal folder and theres a already made.
then go to your entity-bank-generic-decals folder and make a new copy of your steam.fpe or steam2.fpe as a renamed rain.fpe.

There is a particle.x model located in the decals folder also
take this model into a modeling program and scale it up i scaled on a x,y,and z axis 6 x larger then the orginal. Save this model as particle2.x and put it in the decal folder. Then edit the rain.fpe to read this

desc = rain

aiinit = appear1.fpi
aimain = decal.fpi
aidestroy = disappear1.fpi

model = particles2.x
textured = particles_d.tga
transparency = 0
defaultheight = 0.5

;identity details
strength = 0
isimmobile = 1
ismarker = 4

decalmax = 1
decal0 = rain

then when you put in your rain just rotate your model upside down so the emitter travel down instead of up like steam would.
And you should have rain, next i want to edit the dds of rain to a snow image, the decals use 256 x 4 width and height making a 1024 x 1024 image size then just make a new folder using the above pointing to the snow decal instead of rain. There are several other decals you can play with that are already made like mushroom, splinter just need to make .fpe for them.

edit: actually i don't think you even have to rotate the model and it works.

Here is a simple one room demo of the rain for anyone who want's to see it, i only stacked the rain entities 2 high for demo.

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Posted: 28th Feb 2005 05:48
Thank you mr chicken your efforts are appreciated
Zone Chicken
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Posted: 28th Feb 2005 07:32
Here is a few shot's of my first attempt at snow in my level.

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Posted: 28th Feb 2005 08:07
good work - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 28th Feb 2005 17:04
awsome.. thanks...
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Posted: 1st Mar 2005 00:32
nice snow looking good

Zone Chicken
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Posted: 1st Mar 2005 10:18 Edited at: 1st Mar 2005 10:19
Ok was wrong before after ton's of testing this, the particle file doesn't have to be change at all, as it will not effect the emitter size or scale. So you do not have to make a new .x file or change your rain.fpe or snow.fpe model to do this, all that needs to be changed is the position of the particle using the defaultheight line in the .fpe. So i have uploaded the file's needed for anyone who wants to try it out. The file's are (rain.bmp,snow.bmp,rain.fpe,snow.fpe) for the decals folder to make them visible and able to set in the editor, texture that i made, segment snow.fps pointing to for the ground snow i made if anyone wants to use that i have made docs explaining how to add these files into your editor, if anyone isn't familiar with editing the files please read them first.,Snow&SnowSegment.rar

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Posted: 1st Mar 2005 19:40
@Zone Chicken
Thank you, just one question am i right in thinking that .dbo is a darkbasic object file? if so does darkbasic come with a built in editor or did you use something else??
Zone Chicken
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2005 05:28 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2005 05:31
Yes .dbo is a darkbasic object file, when you import .x file's into fpscreator then run the progam it converts your .x into a .dbo and a binary. It does this to increase the speed of the program i belive, i think i read that in the manual.

When i first posted about changing the .x file i though for some reason that when i had resized the .x file that the rain scale had change, after checking more into it though, it actually does not change the scale size of the particle in the game it only changes the scale size of the particle in the editor i think what i had done in my level was added a entity above a entity and when i resized the particle.x file and thought it had resized in the game. I was thinking more along the lines that particle.x was a animated emitter such as in a modeling program not a decal or sprite that it is (dumb mistake on my part).

So you do not have to change the particle.x file at all to use rain or snow all you need to do to add any new decal is make a new decal with a 256 x 256 size x 4 images per row 4 images high, making a series of images 1024 x 1024 of your new decal just like a sprite sheet. Then make a .fpe for your new decal effect that points to the particle.x file in fpscreator decal folder and your new decal image file. Use the line defaultheight = 50 to move the image up on the y axis if your decal height is set to low it not look right as it will be passing half of the image animation through the bottom of the segment it is placed above.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2005 11:39
Do you know of a remedy for black snow?

The rain works ok, the snow is always black. I created a decal from scratch also and I still get black snow. What am I doing wrong?

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Zone Chicken
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2005 07:28

I don't understand what you mean by black snow, i deleated all of my file's, redownloaded from the link i posted above and put those file's in place then ran a test and this is what i am seeing.

Are you seeing something different from this?

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2005 10:17 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2005 10:22
[img]C:\Documents and Settings\Kyle\My Documents\My Pictures\BlackSnow.JPG[/img]

This is what I see...The snow is black, only particles with no textures

Please see view, I don't know how to show the image in post area

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Zone Chicken
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2005 12:08 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2005 12:41
Took me a couple min's of messing around, but i figured out the reason that your snow it turning up black, is because you have the texture level set lower either 128 or 256, in fpscreator go to the file tab in the toolbar, preferences, and set your texture quality up to 512 x 512 and the snow shows fine in test mode.

I have not tried to compile 128 or 256 texture settings with this yet either as i always use 512. So now you have me wondering if these will show up black in a final compile using 128 or 256 ill have to check this out.

Edited: You have to have 512 x 512 texture settings to see the snow or rain with the proper colors, (even with a compiled game) i'll try to mess around and see if i can find out why or how to get them to work with 128 or 256 if i can as i didn't realize this cause i never use the lower texture settings. What really has me stumped at this point is all the other decals work at lower texture settings with no problems.(might be something dumb im just not seeing)

My only guess right now would be that since the rain and the snow only use very few color and the images that are not transparent are so small, when the texture is reduced by the lower quality the colors are lost from the image making the area's show up black.

If someone from TGC or anyone that knows could respond to why this is, and is this the reason rain didn't make it into the ea release i would appreciate it.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2005 13:00
Thank you very much. That did the trick. I reinstalled FPS Creator after a reformat and forgot to change my preferred settings back

Thank you for your great tutorials and the much needed help

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