It's fairly simple to get your own models in to fpscreator in a couple steps.
First start out with your model saved as a .x format, also have your uv map or your texture for your model finished.
Go to your The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files folder as this is where you will need to start setting up fpscreator for your files.
Go into the entitybank folder and make a new folder for yourself called (whatever you want it to be i'll use myentities) myentities, this is where your models .fpe scripts, and the 64 x 64 .bmp file will be placed. The .bmp is just a very small photo of your object that will show up in the fpscreator entity editor so you can see what object your picking although you do not have to change this as your entity will have its name under it in the editor it is just nice to do.
Go back to your The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files folder then into the texture bank folder create a new folder called mytextures.
This will be where you models texture files will be stored.
Go back to your The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files folder then into the meshbank folder and create a new folder called mymodels.
This folder is where your .x files will be stored.
So now that fpscreator is setup for a new entity here is how you would add it in. Take your .x file and place it inside of the
The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\meshbank\mymodels folder.
Take your uv map or your texture file for your model and place it into the The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\texturebank\mytextures folder.
Now that your model and its texture is in place all you need to do is make a .fpe script for you entity, so go to
The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\entitybank\scifi\furniturea folder. You can use seek for .fpe in other folders, furniturea will contain static entities, (entities that do not have animations) you will see a .fpes for the scifi furniture in the game bedA.fpe, bedB.fpe, crateA.fpe and such. So if you where trying to import a model such as a chair, (a static non animated model) you could pick bedA.fpe there are also as i said above .bmps in this folder if you click on one of them a 64 x 64 image of the object will show, these are what i was talking about earlier and are the images that show up in the fpscreator editor when you are using it, also there are .bin file's these are binary files of the .fpe scripts you do not need to edit or mess with these as fpscreator will make one of these for your entity when you run it after you have your entity in the program. So with your mouse pointer over bedA.fpe, (make sure it is not bedA.bin) right click and copy this.
Now go back to The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\entityban\myentites folder and into the myentites folder you created earlier.
Right click inside this folder and select paste, you now have a copy of bedA.fpe inside of your myentites folder. Next you will need to edit the .fpe so open the .fpe, by clicking on it if the file cannot be seen yet because it is not recongnized you can open the file by right clicking on it going to properties and to the right of where it says Opens with : click the button change. Out of your list of programs to open the file, you can select either notepad or wordpad then click ok. Now try to open the file and it will open as look like this.
desc = beda
aiinit = appear1.fpi
aimain = default.fpi
aidestroy = disappear1.fpi
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = meshbank\scifi\scenery\furniturebeda\bed_A.x
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
defaultstatic = 1
collisionmode = 2
textured = texturebank\scifi\scenery\furniturebeda\bed_A_d2.tga
effect = effectbankbumpbump.fx
castshadow = 0