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3 Dimensional Chat / Choppy Mouse control

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Joined: 25th Jan 2003
Posted: 25th Jan 2003 22:42
I have a mouse control so that i can look up and down and to the sides and I use the keypad to strife and go forwards and backwards. The mouse control code is very simple but it seems very choppy. Can anyone tell me why? i have the code snippet below, i also have some code in the program to make sure that it can't go off the matrix or run into walls but that shouldn't effect this because it doesn't move anywhere, just looks around. I also have code that makes sure the camera can't flip upside down so it can only rotate 180 degrees on the x axis but i don't see how this could make it choppy.

cAY# = WrapValue(cAY#+MousemoveX()*0.2)
cAX# = WrapValue(cAX#+MousemoveY()*0.2)

Rem Make sure camera can't flip upside down
if cAX# 180 then cAX#=270
if cAX# > 90 and cAX#
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Joined: 25th Jan 2003
Posted: 25th Jan 2003 22:43
sorry, that's supposed to be a code snippet, here it is again.

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Joined: 25th Jan 2003
Posted: 25th Jan 2003 22:44
Might be something else in the loop that is slowing down the whole process. For example sync, set gamma etc.

Look for things which might take up a lot of processor speed.... - Programming inquires

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