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Posted: 8th Mar 2005 10:29 Edited at: 27th Aug 2005 18:33
A lot of questions about the Newton Game Dynamics system is concerning the VehicleJoint and all possible adjustments therein.

I have made an application which makes it possible to tune car parameters while driving. You can also save a textfile with your adjusted parameters to use in your own application.

When learning how to use the system use the two car and wheelmodels which is included. The default values for the program is tuned in for the fiero.x Car model and the tire.x Wheel model.

One more fun thing is that you can test drive any model you like. Put your own model in the system and try how it handles!


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Jess T
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Posted: 8th Mar 2005 12:47
Wow, real nice !

I haven't tried the Car Physics yet besides the Example by Walaber, but I can see that it is nice and powerfull

Oh, and great work on updating the Newton Wrapper to 1.31, Thank You.


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Posted: 8th Mar 2005 15:03 Edited at: 8th Mar 2005 15:04
unfortunately the sliders are far too touchy

Also the default was far too bouncy and undrivable... Is anyone else noticing that? Or is it just me?O_o

Needs some work yet to be useful, but very cool utility

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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 00:48 Edited at: 9th Mar 2005 00:50
Hey, Jerico, What system are you running on ? Processor and graphic card ?

I have tried the default Car (The Fiero.x and Tire.x) on four different computers with variuos specs from 2Ghz pentium to 3.4Ghz AMD and it all works rather nice on them. The sliders are there for tuning and I have to change the sensitivity on them, and maybe make them a bit longer for easier use.

One thing you can try is to increase the vehicle weight, that stabilises the system somewhat, also try to change the spring and shock before you test drive the car, but those parameters have a Major impact on the vehicles behaviour.

Ride on !
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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 04:09
What a fantastic idea. Just need to find the time to play now...

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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 09:17 Edited at: 9th Mar 2005 09:17
Code updated with some more tweaking options.

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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 13:14
Quote: "One thing you can try is to increase the vehicle weight, that stabilises the system somewhat, also try to change the spring and shock before you test drive the car, but those parameters have a Major impact on the vehicles behaviour."

Tried all that, didn't work. All the settings I tried were too jittery, or too slippery, or tipsy, etc...

I'm running an

Intel Celeron D 2.26ghz
256mb Ram
Win 2000 pro
Intel Graphic 64mb Integrated card (82865g Graphics Controller)
AOpen AX4SG-UN mobo

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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 23:07
Have you tried to increase the minimumframerate? Celeron 2.26 should work fine. Strange effect !?

Anyone else out there who have tried it and experience this effect ?
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Posted: 11th Mar 2005 08:47
I have rewritten the code so that the physics engine is now performing substeps if the framerate gets too low, it should work even on really slow systems now.

Try it if you are interested.

Some new functionality is also added.
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Posted: 11th Mar 2005 17:22
Kjelle, why do you need to manually control substeps? I thought Newton was time-based anyway?

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Posted: 11th Mar 2005 20:26 Edited at: 11th Mar 2005 20:30
There is a lot of theoretical discussions on that issue here:

Tomek explains the issue like this in the Newton Forum:
If you pass more than 1/60sec, then Newton will clamp it to 1/60, so it's first need for your own time-slicer.

Second one is, that normally you want not only to step physics, but also do your own 'thinking'(for example AI), and you either run in at physics rates, or at much lower rates, depending on game genre.

Therefore, you need some kind of 'time-slicer' for the rest of subsystems too.

Besides, if Newton internally slices time period passed, you cannot do anything between iterations...

But of course if you don't mind these constraints you can rely on Newton slicer


BTW, I have updated the CarLab to version 1.0c with a lot of new functions and also now using the 1.32 version of the Newton system. Should work more stable on Celeron processors due to different compiler optimization.

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