Yeah, I had a soft spot for the Speccy loaders too, especially when they made that funny noise - like you could hear the data and watch it draw the image, I probably learned more from that than any of the data communication courses at college
The speccy worked by having a background and a foreground. The background would be a solid block of 8x8 pixels at a set colour, then the pixels would be drawn on top. For example, if you were making a fried egg sprite, you'd make a 3x3 block with a black background, then make the middle block yellow - the white of the egg would be done in white ink over the top of the background, leaving the yellow yolk underneath to show through.
Too much of this stuff is hidden now, the only game I can think of that shows any sort of internal stuff is Blockland, I love the way it build's the level while your playing, just like one of those Lego TV ads.
It's c**p being the only coder in the village.