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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Development continues...

TGC Development Director
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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 06:55
Hi, just posting a short message to let you know that the development team are currently implementing the physics and multiplayer modules for FPSC. Today I met with Lee and have seen some early prototypes of both.

It's all looking good but still early on in the development cycle. I'll update you more when I've seen more. One add to FPSC will be the ability to pick up objects and carry them around, then either drop them or throw them (causing pain to any entity it hits).

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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 07:00
woot cool ty for the info.

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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 07:01
Thanks for the update
will there be any interim updates to EA or are these updates purely for V1?
TGC Development Director
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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 07:12
These updates are for V1. Lee and Mike are working on these at present and they have moved on from the EA source code into V1 source code. In fact, by using Physics we will be able to fix a number of issues seen in EA. For example, the problem of an enemy being killed and their feet getting caught on some steps. With Physics we can bring the body to the floor properly.

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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 07:18
cant wait for V1 then
Just ordered DBPRO aswell i am so impressed with FPSC i have bought its Dad!!!!!!!!
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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 14:54
Rick and Team:
WoW amazing man, like physics being implemented and it helps getting rid of some of the bugs in the EA. Are we still on a target release date in June, or later this year?

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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 16:20
Our aim is for a June release. We will have to see what hurdles the physics and multiplayer code throw up. We are hopefull that things will go well though.

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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 17:10
hi Rich..

will we get the segment editor with V1 as well...........or will that be released early...


Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 9th Mar 2005 20:46
RickV, I have an idea to go with that (picking up objects and dropping them) thing.

Make a trigger zone to go with it, so the player has to drop it in a certain place to complete an objective.

Just an idea?..
Red Ocktober
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Posted: 10th Mar 2005 00:50 Edited at: 10th Mar 2005 00:51
good news Rick... this seems to be heading in the right direction...

multiplayer alone will add a totally new aspect to the games that come out of this...

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Posted: 10th Mar 2005 03:40
Rick V,

Does this mean the bug list has been taken care of (aside from the ones to be addressed by the physics engine integration)?

Does this mean we will for sure not see a segment editor until V1?

Are the plans for the multiplayer mode to include both LAN and IP?


Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 10th Mar 2005 04:18
@FPS Creator:

I *REALLY* am not trying to burst your bubble, but I do hope you have read this thread:

Quote: "It may not be available in V1 as the V1 retail product has the aim of adding a few key features, along with bug fixes for stability and compatibility, and released in the stores. The internal tools we have are a seperate issue, and could be released sooner or later than the V1 product."

I don't want you thinking that when V1 comes out, your POSTIVITLY get the Segment Editor. I know what it would be to get your thoughts thinking that it *WILL* be out when their a good chance it won't. (Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst)

Really, I'm sorry! my boomstick!
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Posted: 10th Mar 2005 06:21

No, I hadn't seen that thread. Thanks for pointing that out. Man, I just keep banging my head into walls lately

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Posted: 10th Mar 2005 07:57
Good news Rick V. Thanks for the update.

As for the segment and entity editors as I see it they would be nice and essential for those (meaning those who its mainly aimed at - the masses) who do not have or are not proficient users of various progs required to make and get your own stuff into FPSC. They will then just have no option but to rely on TGC to supply their content.

As for the rest of the users which might include many here at the forum - if you want to make a lot of original content then the loss of the editors means you have your work cut out if you are making anything like a big game as its gonna be a lot of work for you - with maybe a lot of difficulties to overcome. Kinda balances out the benefit of FPSC as a RAD tool.

I am using a lot of my own stuff as I am using somewhat unauthodox FPSC level design in places and breaking the rules - only my own stuff will fit into place where I want it too.

Its hard work and very time consuming, but the more you do the less there is too do. Editors would be nice but I cant wait for something we may never see so theres no point in holding my breath.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2005 08:04
How is multiplayer being made up? using server/client or peer to peer ?

Deion G.
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Posted: 12th Mar 2005 16:42
sonow with the physics the people wont go flying through the wall when u kill them!

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Posted: 15th Mar 2005 06:51
Yes the physics will allow the removal of the strange poking hands and feet through walls and stairs trick. No ragdoll for V1, and I am hopeful that a combination of new animation data and physics for corpses and basic character collision will resolve these strange hovering dead people.

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Posted: 16th Mar 2005 08:58
I have a space level I made just for a test really and its 70% outdoors on a floating space station - when I kill enemies they often fall into free space and just float in mid air - makes for good target practice, but I can never get to the weapons they drop which tantilisingly float in free space in front of me.

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