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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Mouth movment?

Jordan Siddall
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Joined: 1st Mar 2004
Location: UK
Posted: 9th Mar 2005 20:59
I have seen some images of a FPSC enemy with his mouth open such as the FPSC ad on So the question is, is it possible to have the enemys mouth move at all? If so, can you tell me how? If not, you really need to add this in V1. I mean you can't even tell who is talking in games and it would add to the realism.

Thanks, Jordan.
TGC Lead Developer
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Location: England
Posted: 10th Mar 2005 05:31
No mouths where moved in the making of the FPSC game engine. In order for that, special models would have to be created for this purpose and there are currently no plans for facial animation in V1. There is nothing to stop a third party designing a model with facial animation and coding additional animation commands via FPI scripts to handle talking and gestures. For us, this would be a post V1 feature.

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