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3 Dimensional Chat / *Need Critique* 3D model (working links)

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Posted: 27th Jan 2003 03:52

That should do the trick. Sorry about having to repost this message, but Geocites was being difficult. So what do you guyz think. I'm open to all sorts of 'Creative' critizism.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2003 04:31
Hehe, thats sweet...what was it made in?

The only c&c I have is....

Where's the head?


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Posted: 27th Jan 2003 05:57
I made him in Lightwave. The Face is done but I detached it so I could add hair better.

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 27th Jan 2003 13:41
it gets a little to thin in places, but on the whole its a sterdy mesh.

remember male bodies generally are 3/4 the size of half thier legs thier bodies are more of a striaght down with subtle changes than a thin beefcake look

might wanna sort out the lower legs to be thicker, the feet could do with being slightly thicker in height and length.

legs should bend forward from the knee a lil and his ass needs some attention

plus the poor guy appears to have lost his erm, lil guy
looks like the Gordon Freeman mesh slightly thou, so depends what is determined for the texture

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Posted: 27th Jan 2003 14:17
To much wide shoulders. Too thin the hip and torso to slim.

The edgeloop that is just over the belt/waist, go and scale it, make it less thin. Even scale the belt. A man use to have more inches there

Not that a model or human must be so standard
But disminishing the shoulders, and doing the opposite with waist/belt and lower torso, would do good, imho.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2003 23:00
Thats a nice looking model

"To much wide shoulders. Too thin the hip and torso to slim."

Actually the shoulders/torso/waist are very similar to my own, I'm scarily slim but bulky up top - However I do have a head and a "little man" lmao

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Posted: 27th Jan 2003 23:39
Thank you all for your respones. When it comes to art or modelling I lean toward anime"ish" styles. Anyway the model was suppose to be an Elf. So my thinking was to create a thin figure with muscle tone. I see were you guyz are coming from about the shoulders. I'll tone the shoulders down to make them poporinate to waist. BTW Its a model...I am going to rework the legs to give the impression of his err....lil guy...won't really be part of the equation
Now to finish the head and Texture him
Thanks for the input.

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Dr DooMer
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Posted: 27th Jan 2003 23:59
Yes, well perhaps we'd best not go into details about your 'little man', Kangaroo; after all, there might be kiddies reading this...

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Posted: 28th Jan 2003 01:28
he needs keecaps
Disco Stu
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Posted: 28th Jan 2003 01:47
Hehe, the boots remind me of Zex fromGundam Wing, he had those flap things below his knee too.
Cool model, far better than what I can do. Can't really say much more than what everyone else has contirbuted, but how many polys is it?
Looks good,

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Posted: 28th Jan 2003 02:39
Err the poly count is not too hot...Right now w/out the head its sitting at 1466. I could probably drop that by 100 if I tried, and by 200 if I offered up sacrifice to my computer. However mostly likely by the time I get off my arse and finish the game a polycount of 1500per Char would be considered a trifle by the average comp/graphics card.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2003 04:23
Just a little something from a D&D player. Elves (at least D&D ones) look frail. In my opinion you should lighten up on the torso and maybe upper legs. Elves are more suited to magic than staight combat in most games, that's left up to the humans. Anyway, good job, it looks much better than my 200 poly model.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2003 05:21
Hmm well if you really wanted to cut it down, then the modelled gloves wuld have to go, and you'd just use a texture, similar deal with the boots and the belt. But again it does look kick-ass like this.

"However mostly likely by the time I get off my arse and finish the game a polycount of 1500per Char would be considered a trifle by the average comp/graphics card."
Truth hurt don't it? We spend so muhc time optimizing things that by the time they're ready they look crap compared to what other people dish out. That's life I suppose.....


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Posted: 28th Jan 2003 05:34
Arrow: **Bows respectfully to a D&D perspective** I took a look at the 3rd Edition Manual to get Ideas, that and a WarHammer Guide or 2.(And LOTRs....come on who hasn't?) At first I tried to deform the 'human' figure enough to get into Elven poportion, but it just didnt seem right..something didnt feel right about it in other words.(Your a fellow artist you understand, I'm sure.) I'll Tone him down to fit a more Elven profile.

Disco Stu: Epiphanies hurt.

Oh well I thank everyone once again for their opinions. I'll tone him down and post a the next beta, but for the moment I'm fisnishing the Game Menu's.
If anyone's interested I could post one of em and get more abusive critizismjust kidding from you guyz.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2003 20:17
3rd Edition? Booooooooooooooo!!! 2rd Edition all the way!!! But yeah, I understand about the whole proportions thing, after so many years of big heads, a regular sized one seams to small.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2003 22:07
N offense DooMer but if you read the thread p[roperly, you'll see I was refering to other people's existing posts. If I had wanted to mention such a vulgar aspect for my own ammusement I wouldn't have put it so politely lol

John H
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Posted: 29th Jan 2003 04:22
Nice looking models there man! Id suggest to trim down the polies- begin with those hands and feet- they look up there LOL.



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Posted: 29th Jan 2003 23:06
Nice, I'd make love to that any day! Except those boney kneecaps. And the feet, those are way too high poly considering there are no toes. And I probably wouldnt make love to the legs...they are super long compared to the chest, and not the chest either, it looks too weird and not human, and not the hands, the arm gets too thin too fast when it moves closer to the hand...are those gloves causing the bumps by the wrist?...and overall it's way too thin...but that hole where the head should go! Nice work there, i'd make love to that any day!
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Posted: 29th Jan 2003 23:29
It's a elf, it's supposed to be thin.

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Posted: 29th Jan 2003 23:38

Errr.......Kewl Thanks for the input... I'll have some time to work alil' on him and I'll post the results hopefully later tonight.

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Posted: 30th Jan 2003 02:27
Ok heres the updated model:

I slimmed the chest, not the shoulders(Its an adventure some elf mind you.) I might slim the shoulders later. Anyway I made the legs longer and made the back smaller as well. I also dropped 200 polys bringing the total to 1250.
Well opinions?

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Posted: 30th Jan 2003 02:31
Very good. The changes are subtle but they do make it look a bit more realist. Good job.

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Posted: 30th Jan 2003 03:30
They're not there.

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Posted: 30th Jan 2003 05:53
Could you explain? Your opinions serve as a sharping stone. But I must know were to sharpen the model. Enlighten me

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Posted: 30th Jan 2003 05:55
BTW that 'back shot' was gor QuothTheRaven just kidding

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Posted: 30th Jan 2003 05:55
BTW that 'back shot' was for QuothTheRaven just kidding

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Posted: 30th Jan 2003 05:59
now his kneecaps are sticking out
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Posted: 30th Jan 2003 06:08
His Kneecaps are not sticking out Thats part of his greaves(Shin Armor). Sorta a Zechs Merquise'ish touch.

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Posted: 30th Jan 2003 13:26

The waist is too thin yet. Even for an elf. Yet the shoulders (though you didn't post a front view I think I am guessing it) are too wide. Specially for an elf.

I am always reading things about mythology, Tolkien and stuff...In the majority of visions of an elf...It's a delicate figure. I wouldn't say the thin arms or legs are bad. They use to be a bit non-human in those parts. But they rarely have rugby shoulders (I'm kidding, they're not so big) But the waist use to be just like humans. The width use to be almost like shoulders one.

Being the waist and hips so thin, the ass is seen to small, clearly on one of those back shots.

Somehow I have the feeling that legs are too long.

hey, you said needed critique and..sharpenning
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Posted: 31st Jan 2003 00:22
The waist is too thin? Have you ever seen a Warhamer book? LOL. And yes the elf IS a delicate figure, but the figure is adaptable to the needs of the story.(D&D's Sea elfs or whatnot), Nor is Tolkien the absolute authority on Elves.(But he's D*MN CLOSE) In my game the elf you play is young and very adventuresome. The shoulders are what I see as a neccesity. However I did ask for a critique, and sharpenning from Kyro. I'll take your critique. His shoulders will be slimmed. And his 'bum' won't be part of the equation much longer.

Thank you.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2003 01:11
Looks brill!

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Posted: 31st Jan 2003 06:08
Looks fine to me!

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Posted: 31st Jan 2003 09:39

I was refering not only Tolkien but real mythology concept. But of course you're totally free for basing on any of the rol games or novels released based on it.

"However I did ask for a critique, and sharpenning from Kyro"

Sorry, the topic title say "*Need Critique* 3D model (working links)" ...nothing about restricting who can critic it. hassle. No problem.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2003 23:46
Strange as it may seem I would like to thank you Your post about Elves in Mythology interested me. So I looked it up on Yahoo and having been reading for quiet some time. It's good to have a basis, and I've completely over looked the Elven part. I visited too many contemporary sources first before going to the orginial.(For the past couple of weeks I've been pouring over books on Ancient Swords and Arm and the like, so my weapons and culture would be alil' bit more realistic.) So thanks for bringing Elves in Mythology up. And Hey I said "I'll take your critique"


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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 1st Feb 2003 00:06
Link's an Elf... or close to
really those only think that makes elves elves are the pointy ears - apart from that they're suppose to be human.
Kinda like a "what if... humans evolved along a second path from say Kitty Kats lmao"

as long as you give him humish propotions then it should be fine

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Posted: 1st Feb 2003 20:37
Acording the elvin creation myths, (as sited from "The Complete Handbook of Elves") Elves were created as thet are now, they didn't evolve, thus the have no eye-teeth. Any way the basic idea of elves are that they live along time, the have pointed ears, the are more sensitive to earth and nature, they are good with magic. I've always hated the idea that elves were these tiny gnome like creatures.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2003 22:06
Knomes are traditionally stunted, like dwarves, but smaller. Elves may be small, but they are similar in proportion with themselves to humans. However surely any fictional (If you believe they ARE fictional ) characters can be edited to your own specification if it fits with the atmos of your game / movie / book

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2003 06:06
there's many things about elves and pixies and fairies and knomes and dwarves etc...
different folk laws describe them differently.

English folk tales about Elves make them out to be Mischeivous Fairies, who had thier wings taken away for being so naughty
which is where the Leprechan comes from as well, because they're elves only they're kinda like the irish version ... drunk, larey, etc...

alot of the folk tales are pretty cool

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