Email TGC about a license cost. It cannot be very much. I am personally developing games using the DGSDK with complete intent to sell them. I could care less what the license cost at this moment. When I am happy with where my game is, I will talk to TGC and give them something to view and we will be able to work out the details from that point.
Now, I *KNOW* you may say something to the effect of "How can I spend X hours working on a game without knowing the price?". The way to look at it is this. It is usually a waste of TGC time to get all these emails "How much does this cost" etc. How many times people buy this DGSDK/DBPRO and not produce anything commercial? I guess is near 95%. As long as TGC have been around, I have *NEVER* seen an post such as "I cannot believe they want ten million for a license". I completely believe that once you present (that's the key point) a game to them, the cost of the license is either so small ($100-$5000) or none at all if you promote their DGSDK. Trust me, there are MANY SDK's out there that run into the high $$$ for license, but I can assure you that TGC is not one of them.
Hope this helps you look at a different way.
-This...is my boomstick!