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Program Announcements / BLAST-O-MATIC - Shoot'em up finally Released!

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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 09:11

My latest work is finished (link above). A full classic-style scrolling Shoot'em up game!
I hope you'll find it fun! And please post any comments!

- 3 full levels
- different weapons
- many different enemies
- final level Big Bosses
- scrolling landscapes
- parallax scrolling stars(in levels 2&3)

Richard Davey
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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 09:29
Great stuff! I'd been waiting for this

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Eric T
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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 09:50
Pretty good stuff man. This is the type of game everyone can enjoy.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 21:56
Hey, i keep getting a program: severe exception error message everytime i run the executable... any ideas?

The game looks pretty neat though.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 22:45
Thanks for positive comments!

@Hexgear: curious thing, can post your system configuration(OS, Processor, Video Card in particular)? The game runs at 800x600x16 mode, so I think all PCs can run it.
The game opens only an .mp3 file, some .jpg files and .wav files
Do you run it from hardDisk or directly from WinZip extraction?
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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 23:14 Edited at: 18th Mar 2005 23:14
Windows XP Pro
P4 CPU 3.0GHz
Radeon X300 256Mb
512Mb dual Ram

I just extracted the contents of the .zip file (just the .exe) to a folder and run it.

Cliff 3degs network
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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 23:33
looks super cool iam going to check it out as soon as my slow download have finished.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 23:56 Edited at: 19th Mar 2005 01:31
@Hexgear: I've two ideas
1- the game runs at 40 fps, probably it's a too slow framerate for your video card refresh. Try a slower screen Hz setting.
2- Another thing: the game stops immediately or do you see the blue square logo at the start or music jingle or nothing at all? This 'cause the game make a resolution check at the start and it could not go if not in Admin mode on XP Pro. have you launched it as system Admin?
I've tested the game by myself on Win XP Home, 2000 and 98SE.
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Posted: 19th Mar 2005 02:11
"I'm" the admin of "my own" computer.

erm... the game stops immediately, no partial sound or display. I got the refresh on 70Hz i think, i'll fiddle with it and see what happens.

Anyways i got the game playing on a different machine, it's really good! though kinda hard... or maybe that's just 'cus i'm crap at these kinda games. nice work, keep it up!

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Posted: 19th Mar 2005 07:38 Edited at: 19th Mar 2005 07:41
@Hexgear: OK! I'm happy you finally succeeded in playing the game. (And that you found it good, thanks!)

About hardness: I've only tried to recall the difficulty of 80-90's arcade games of this kind (that was veeery difficult) For this I set up also Easy mode. Anyway I've tested the game a lot and it can be finished in Normal mode too, I've completed all the levels many times in Easy mode and three times in Normal mode.
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Posted: 19th Mar 2005 21:40
Looks beautiful!..downloading now.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2005 05:51
Nice game Hope to see a next version

[B]changed my old name "jopie dopie" to my real name[/B]
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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 20:02
I think you got a really cool game there. A welcome change after a long time. Reminds me of my broken atari

Btw I just got a few questions for you. Its about a 2D game im making in DBP. I experienced few bugs when I was doing it n Mike Johnson confirmed them as bugs. Its quite similar to what u got here - a space shooter game.

1. The thing with it is when I use the Create animated Sprite command to create a sprite animation i've seen in a few sprites that when its first referenced within the loop it appears really big n then comes to the normal size. N no im not resizing the sprites at any part of the game.

2. Also when I use the paste sprite command inside the loop to over come this problem the sprites no more detect collision.

Now the trouble is all the sprites I use ingame are animated sprites n it looks aweful when a sprite resizes that way ingame even though its just a flash of a second.

Im just curious, have u ever encountered such a problem with yours? Also how do you implement ur sprite animations in your game? Canya plz help me with these. Thanx in advance.

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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 20:51
Lovely stuff Alex. Really captured that retro feel.

OT but....I'd write your own animation system. It's really easy to do and will be far more flexible than the built in DBPro one.

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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 22:28
Thanx fog i'll think abt it. The thing here is im done with my game except the sound bit n this aweful animation bug. Now to having to change all that bit i may as well write my own animation bit. I left that bit to the last thinking it might be some minor problem but turns out to be a bug.

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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 22:48
Thanks for comments!

@RougeCat: I answered you by email
I put the answer here, too, 'cause it could be useful to others.

I used the PASTE IMAGE command, 'cause I also encountered similar problems when animating a sprite. Besides, the paste image command let you arrange image priority simpler: the last image you
paste is the last to be printed on screen.
I've done this game in DBC but I tried this with success even in DBP (Trial version only).

1 - To animate aliens I used this method: assign an animation variable (AnimateAlienImage(n) ), then assign an animation loop wait
(AnimateAlienWait (n) ). I decrement the AnimateAlienWait (n), when it reaches 0 I increment AnimateAlienImage(n), and reset AnimateAlienWait(n) (ie: reset to 40 in a 40fps to have 1 image x sec) and when the image reaches the last image (AnimateAlienImage(n)+AnimateAlienImages(n) ) I restart from first image.

2 - For collision I use my own method, too. I assign a box with four corners to player's ship and bullets, then when the alien x,y are in contact with or bullet or ship then I do the relative actions (explo, energy dec, etc.). The same for alien bullets.

My code example for collision between ship (106x64) and alien (any dimension) with a 4x4 pixel lag for aliens and 20x12 lag for ship:

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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 23:22
Saw ur mail Alex n replied back. Thanx!

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