I just created this because I was bored...lol
To draw lines press mouseclick
to cls the screen press right-mouseclick
to draw dots press d
to change color to red press r
to change color to green press g
to change color to blue press b
to use the rubbish rubber press spacebar
Hope you like.
if mouseclick()=1
line mousex(),mousey(),mousex()+30,mousey()
if mouseclick()=2 then cls
if inkey$()="g" then ink rgb(0,255,0),0
if inkey$()="r" then ink rgb(255,0,0),0
if inkey$()="b" then ink rgb(0,0,255),0
if spacekey()=1 then ink rgb(0,0,0),0
if inkey$()="d" then dot mousex(),mousey()
Working for ELB software on Realms of Tutopia!