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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Are any bugs being fixed?

Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 19th Mar 2005 05:27
I'm curious becuase Lee's diaries now talk about him working on physics and multiplayer capabilities. So are any of the multitude of bugs we reported on the bug thread being worked on, squashed, stamped out or even (gasp) just fixed???

I guess my real question is - will there be any interim bug fixing patches for EA or are you just plunging ahead into V1 and we will have to wait for July (or actually later - because we played this date game extensively with the original EA release date ;P)

I was under the impression that the time between EA and V1 was time to be spent fixing the program and adding user suggested features, but that whole system of reporting and suggesting never really solidified like I expected it too. So I suspect patches to EA are also the going the way of the Dodo as well...

Thx for any input TGC!
Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 19th Mar 2005 06:04
My guess is that bug fixes will may be with the beta testers. As a rule in software programming, NEVER give a date to the public for it will ALWAYS bite you in the end.

In my opinion we may not see a "patch" for the EA version since we will be doing away with the EA version once V1 comes out. my boomstick!
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Posted: 19th Mar 2005 08:45 Edited at: 20th Mar 2005 00:37
I was to do some sort of interim bug fix, but the stability of EA has been very good from the numbers, and the ones that had problems whre in the realms of issues we had plans to work on for V1, so the best policy was to crack on, get the V1 features in, then do a single bug testing phase to resolve old and new bugs alike. I have fixed the D.E.P issue which caused some DBPro based executables to fail, and I have already recoded some parts of the collision system to simply code around some other charater related bugs. Work on both physics and multiplayer go very well, so I do NOT anticipate a huge slip on our deadlines, unless of course we start adding lots of 'extra' stuff that in the long-term might not mean as much as a punctual stable release. My personal goal is to stay as much on target as possible, even if it means ditching a 'great little idea', until V1 is as good as done. If anyone wants to resolve their bug ahead of V1, get involved in the beta testing when we annouce it!

"We are the knights who say...eki eki eki fatang loopzoing,"
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 21st Mar 2005 09:48
>I was to do some sort of interim bug fix,
>but the stability of EA has been very good from the numbers,

Hmmm... stable as in not crashing, but other that I'm not sure I would say it's beyond needing fixes.

Some pretty darn frustrating ones in fact (i.e. having to hit buttons multiple times, buggy library pallettes, continue points not working, etc. etc. etc.) that make it very difficult to create a fully functioning game of more than 2 levels.

>I have fixed the D.E.P issue which caused some DBPro based executables to fail,

Is this the "mash the button several times before it kicks in" bug? What I mean is this the buggy behavior many systems have where even though you click a dialog button nothing seems to happen and you often have to click it several times (notable during entity editing for example)

>I have already recoded some parts of the collision system to simply
>code around some other charater related bugs

Well that *sounds* like a good thing, but I guess we will have to see it in action. Player collision works great, enemy collision definately does not (but you know this of course and physics sounds like it will ultimately resolve those issues any ways)

>Work on both physics and multiplayer go very well, so I do NOT
>anticipate a huge slip on our deadlines

That will surprise me. These seem like much more complicated issues to program around, but I'm no programmer so I defer judgement to you. It will be absolutely great if multiplayer & physics go in swiftly and easily. I certainly hope that they do. Your hair (what's left of it) will no doubt be greatfull

>My personal goal is to stay as much on target as possible,
>even if it means ditching a 'great little idea', until
>V1 is as good as done

Well I can understand that train of thought. I personally want to see the most important issues fixed and improved. Specifically -

* Better memory allotment (releasing memory when exiting program and also releasing memory FROM the editor TO the test game during testing, etc.)

* Better memory usage. Even with 512 MB of RAM and a 256 MB video card I still get bizarre video glitches in the editor (weird gaps in the library pallettes when they fill up, scroll bars jumping around whenever a child window gets focus, etc.)

* Better timing (something just doesn't seem right with the way entities divy up time cycles and it only takes 2 or 3 enemies to start throwing off script firing in them - enemies begin sliding across the floor, trying to run the wrong direction to get to players, etc.)

* Better pathfinding for enemies (which I'm not convinced is just an issue of appropriate scripting, but is more likely because of the above mentioned memory struggles)

Sure I would love MORE than those things, but I'm willing to work around whatever limitations are necessary so long as I can use the software and it's fast, stable and functions as a finished product.

>If anyone wants to resolve their bug ahead of V1, get involved in the beta testing when we annouce it!

When will this be? The original beta test was hand selected by TGC and when EA came out we were denied direct access to the bug database (and understandably so) to keep it from becoming overloaded. For nearly a year I have wanted to have a more active involvement with the development of FPSC, but it remains up to you guys to let us have a louder voice.

So for now this post is all I can do

Strictly speaking I want to use FPSC as a development tool so I'm interested in seeing it achieve all the potential that it can.

As always please read this as constructive criticism and not destructive complaining.

Thx for your time
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2005 11:09
Well I just wrote a large post and clicked post message and it dissapered so I aint going through it all again. Heres a much shorter version.....

Enough to say that I whole heartedly support Cloud of Crows Studios and his concerns and staements herein.

TGC please give precedence to and fix stability, Player Lagg, speed, memory, erratic Polygon count and FPS issues before preference to new features and functions so that users like us can have a stable basic engine from which to push the boundaries of FPSC gamemaking. Then later when we get the new features we can make even better games.

Thats my supportive opinion anyway.

Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2005 12:02 Edited at: 22nd Mar 2005 12:04
Quote: "Well I just wrote a large post and clicked post message and it dissapered so I aint going through it all again. "

unbelievably I just did the exact same thing!

Ugh! The irony is I wrote in my reply how I have gotten in the habit on CTRL+A selecting the message text and then CTRL+C copying it "just in case"

and of course what did I do?
I FORGOT TO COPY IT!!!! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Anyways the long and short of MY reply was:

Uman - thanks for your support and I sympathize with the whole post message not taking thing which is most DEFINATELY annoying. sigh
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Posted: 24th Mar 2005 02:24
Yeah..If I think things are a bit doddgy I copy stuff to before clicking post, but as it happens did not on this occasion - silly me.
Not sure why posts dissaapear - I think its probably as when taking time to write a post the forum seems to time out and nothing happens when you click submit post. Not sure though. Not the first time its happened of course but its always annoying.

Lee has an interesting diary entry buy the way you may like viewing re : physics and may make some improvement to some of your concerns.

I see my support being in support of FPSC too as I think suggestions of ensuring stability and functionality of the basic engine will make FPSC (indeed any engine) a better and more successful product - for users and for TGC.

May it be so
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Posted: 24th Mar 2005 04:18
So is the whole bug database idea done then?

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy

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