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FPSC Classic Product Chat / entites as segments?

Acolyte Entertainment
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Joined: 28th Dec 2004
Location: Oregon, US
Posted: 22nd Mar 2005 01:13
Ok so I have CS 4 and you can export to X format. Is it possible to make it so that you can walk in my CS map.

Ok so in other words. I have an X model of a castle. Then If I save it as an entity can I walk through it like up down stairs or Will I not beable to go inside it?

Cellbloc Studios
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Location: Atlanta, GA
Posted: 22nd Mar 2005 03:24
No. You will have a model. That's about it. my boomstick!
Acolyte Entertainment
Years of Service
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Joined: 28th Dec 2004
Location: Oregon, US
Posted: 22nd Mar 2005 06:09
oh man!

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