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Programmer Dave
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Posted: 24th Mar 2005 15:03
when the full version of FPS is released with the multiplayer feature and some bugs fixed, I would like to create an online FPS game for anyone to play for free.

So i don't have to do to all the work I was wondering if anyone would like to help me. Simply, everyone would work on their own level (any theme) and then once a week we would combine these levels and keep making our own levels bigger and bigger.

i reckon the site would get fair popular, and if we're allowed to under the freeware licence, put the game on a CD and charge people for postage + the cost of the CD so people don't have to spend hours downloadin the large file.

and also, everyone who helped out would get a split of the profits from ads/donations.

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Glenn Carter
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Posted: 24th Mar 2005 17:21
You know, this sounds like a great idea. Not sure how you'd work the mechanics but maybe theres some way to achieve some sort of level selection by scripting.

Pencil me down for a level.

Glenn Carter
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Posted: 24th Mar 2005 19:54
Mmm, good idea

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Posted: 24th Mar 2005 22:16
dam sounds good i like it .count me in

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Acolyte Entertainment
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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 05:47
count me in!!!!! e-mail me if there is more info you need to say!

Programmer Dave
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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 07:20 Edited at: 25th Mar 2005 07:22
cool, i didn't think the idea would be so popular. i don't have much to say, i've found a good domain name to buy, i've designed a template. i can host the site. but we really need to wait for the full release of FPSC so we can see how multiplayer is set up

And if we can't do the multiplayer how we'd like it, I don't reckon it'd be too bad if it's just a normal FPS game which is updated weekly, it'd still be fun.

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Programmer Dave
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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 07:43
Here is the jobs I need filled:

2 3d Modeller's
4 Level Editors
2 Scripters (to make the game more unique)

Of course, i'll gladly take on more workers than I've stated, they're just the minimum I would need

And IMO this will become a very profitable site. Loads of people like games, and loads of people like shooting stuff, and we can offer people both !!

Also, once the commercial licence comes out we can all pitch in, and then start selling upgraded versions of the game

And here is a preview of the design I've made:

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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 17:34 Edited at: 25th Mar 2005 18:37
looking good.

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Shadow Angel
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Posted: 25th Mar 2005 18:13

++ ~ { [ Be carful what you wish for...PUNK! ] } ~ ++
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 09:09
I was gonna combine my friends maps together to make an online game for eveyone to play.

you have a good idea too. I might be able to help. I hope your game suceeds. ohh yah i would play it.

sounds cool...
Programmer Dave
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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 13:22
k, i'm not sure i'd want to run it tho, i'd set it up, and host it and everything, but i don't want to actually organise everyone. so if you have good organising skills and wanna help just reply to the thread

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Acolyte Entertainment
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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 15:06
hey programmer dave can I have the level desgighner job I'm really good at that kind of stuff

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Programmer Dave
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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 15:48
yeah sure

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Programmer Dave
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Posted: 27th Mar 2005 20:03
i got the domain FREEFPS.COM (free first person shooter )

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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 01:32
i'm in.
Evil stick
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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 05:23
I can do orginizing, and maybe some maps.

Programmer Dave
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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 07:58

this seems like a very promising project

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Evil stick
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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 08:08
I may not be able to do maps, unless I can do them in DarkBASIC Pro.

Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 08:09
Programmer Dave, I can do some awesome level design for you!
Programmer Dave
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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 09:42

I'm so excited.

I just thought I'd let everyone know what the jobs would specifically require.

Level Editor - Designing the levels...placing the objects, segments, enemies etc

3d Modeller - Makes 3d Models to be imported into FPSC

Scripter - Makes occassional unique scripts to be used in FPSC

Manager - Organises when the updates will take place, and collects all maps each week and builds the entire game, then uploads it to the server. There only needs to be 1 or 2 of these.

And everyone is expected to advertise the site/game. Just by posting it in forums, submitting it to search engines, and telling all your friends about it

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Evil stick
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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 10:07
I can do the manager thing, and maybe after this we can all make a game out of this (I mean one that we sell, of course in DB or DBP).

Evil stick
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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 12:05
And by a game, I actually don't mean a GAME and mean like the first season of maps with some AI added in.

Evil stick
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Posted: 27th Apr 2005 09:04
And now it's even better, we can sell games made with V.1!!


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