this uses no shortcuts or anything like that and uses a sufisticated que system so that it stores it in a buffer before printing and then when you close the port it starts printing
no stringtables yet but the way everyone has been asking for printer dlls i figured this is close enough
*dll attached*
openprinter() -opens the printer-THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE YOU DO ANY OTHER COMMANDS
write2printer(string$) -writes a string to the buffer-this does auto carrage return-A LIMIT OF 2048 BYTES IN 1 WRITE2PRINT STATEMENT
ejectpage() =this usually is not needed as when you close the printer it automatically ejects the page
closeprinter - this closes the printer and then the printer starts printing-also if u just exit the app before this is done it will automatically close the printer to prevent certain things
this is opensource if anyone wants it-compiled with Pelles C
X-Patch x-patch.exe(gui):75% make.exe:5% x-patch.dll(runtime dll):0% developed on win xp home sp2