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FPSC Classic Product Chat / [LOCKED] slow product

GZMGames Admin
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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 09:23
hello i downloaded the trial for it about 3 weeks ago and im not buying it at all and heres why when i first downloaded it i thought it was going to be a cool fully customizable product and it is but its just really slow to load to play your created work and even to make a game also there should be some way to put it on dbpro wicht im sure there will be in future versions but for now ill wait till a newer version comes out until i buy it.

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Van B
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Posted: 28th Mar 2005 20:46
Meanwhile I'll wait on a punctuation mark before replying to your thread properly.


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Posted: 29th Mar 2005 11:04
what are you talking about?

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Posted: 30th Mar 2005 02:07
Quote: "hello,I downloaded the trial for it about 3 weeks ago and im not buying it at all.And heres why, when i first downloaded it i thought it was going to be a cool fully customizable product and it is. But its just really slow to load to play your created work and even to make a game also there should be some way to put it on dbpro.Wicht im sure there will be in future versions but for now ill wait till a newer version comes out until i buy it.

This gives you the general idea (break your words up a bit )


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Posted: 30th Mar 2005 12:07
ouch wouldnt think they would let kids run things

Deion G.
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Posted: 30th Mar 2005 13:23
did you just call me a kid?

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Posted: 2nd Apr 2005 02:14 Edited at: 2nd Apr 2005 02:17
Quote: "ouch wouldnt think they would let kids run things"

Agreed, glad Im not a kid I'm...Some Guy...

Double Ouch

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Posted: 2nd Apr 2005 11:15
GZM games no wasnt calling you a kid.

i was just reading a lot of the mods posts and honeslty i'd say he was only 13.. sorry if hes not but it sure seems that way. i was just saying im surprised theyd let a kid mod kinda gives them a bad name with all teh kid mough offs hes been doing lately.

Deion G.
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2005 09:16
Quote: "
i was just reading a lot of the mods posts and honeslty i'd say he was only 13.. sorry if hes not but it sure seems that way. i was just saying im surprised theyd let a kid mod kinda gives them a bad name with all teh kid mough offs hes been doing lately"

Sorry if this is turning into a grammar lesson, but you should capitalize your I’s, use only lower case when used in a word.

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Don Malone
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Posted: 4th Apr 2005 11:59
Back to the point.

I guess I will not be buying it either. At least not for the near future. I tried the trial tonight; loading the WWII level. That was unbearably slow on my system for some reason.

I only have an AMD 1800+ and currently 256M of RAM.

I am intrigued by the product; just like GZMGames Admin is, but with the long startups and level loading; I will just have to pass.

Is there any hope of a quicker startup in the V1 release? Or maybe some tips to speed up the loading process.

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Posted: 8th Apr 2005 22:49
Dark Bsic Pro os not easy to understand.
Tsar of Cows
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Posted: 9th Apr 2005 01:12
Hmm the loading times are pretty out there, it seems the engine is a bit tired. For the money I paid for hte full version, I really hope that soon they patch up the engine, really in this day and age, it should be able to process such low polly levels much much more quickly than it is.

Im finishing off the first level in my FPS, and I have an entity count for around 700, and I get about 4 Frames per second, which is just not cool.
GZMGames Admin
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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 08:21
Quote: "Dark Bsic Pro os not easy to understand"
no it's not that hard to understand it just takes me a while to learn it

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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 08:18
guys guys guys.....the product is still BETA, be patient, i am sure all speed issues will be addressed in due course

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Posted: 15th Apr 2005 05:35
The EA release stands for "Early Adopter", which is not a euphemism for "beta".

The EA release's performance is certainly way under par for the visuals delivered.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2005 08:29
quite so
Van B
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Posted: 28th Apr 2005 23:08

So when a moderator comments on the sheer lack of grammer in a post, he's acting like a 13 year old? - perhaps you miss the point of moderators?, the whole point is for us to keep people posting in a sensible fashion - I really don't see what cause you have to comment on my behaviour here.

I'm no kid, and I really don't see where you get that from - care to provide links to my childish posts please?.


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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 02:43
Yeah, I found the slow speeds of the software bizarre...
Especially when an alternative BSP system requires only a P3-500, 128 MB RAM to get 70fps... I know, better textures, full screen etc, but even taking these into account FPS looks kinda in-efficient...? Guess when v1 hits computers will have ramped up another notch making this a non-issue...
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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 04:21 Edited at: 29th Apr 2005 04:26
If anyones interested, below is screen shot of a City level I am working on which puts FPSC to the test in designing efficient levels of any scale. (Rooftop View Scene)

It gives some indication at least of what can be achieved in outdoor levels of this kind which some may like to include in their games.

This level uses the full 40x40 tile area so what you see in this view is sightly less than half the level. For those thinking to design outdoor levels of this kind, I can say that the well known slow speeds and bug of serious Lagg problems in limited specific areas is causing some problem in playability. The Lagg and erratic FPS/Ploygon assumptions of FPSC are causing two specific areas in particular to experience extreme player slowdown. One is on this rooftop - the other is around the corner down rthe street seen in the top right of the pic - an area actually out of view.

There are quite a number of entities - a lot of which cant be seen here - many in the streets and many more indoors as quite a few buildings can be entered - hence how I got on to the rooftop - some enemy entities can be seen dead lying around if you look carefully.

Hopefully V1 will see an improvement in the overall Speed and bug fixes for any specific Lagg problems - If not I dont know how much further this level can be taken even with any additional optimisations. I still need a lot more additional stuff to go in yet.

If the level ever gets completed I will release another pic with full rendering and possibly a vid of some street action.

Cheers for now - enjoy.....


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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 14:30 Edited at: 29th Apr 2005 14:37
van-b around the time of that post there was like 5 posts where a customer said something about the product and you mouthed off to them. a normal adult wouldnt do that so i figured you were a 13 year old kid. figure anyone over that age in a position of at least representing the people who made this program would know not to be childish and to go off on potential customers. why it was in this thread this was the last thread that i read and got tired of hearing you smart mouth people. as for grammer . who really cares .. honeslty. you h ave to realise if your goign to represent the thegamecreators and your really not 13. you should know not to mouth off to customers or potential customers no matter what they say.
and its been a while and i really dont care to search every single thread and post links to each and every one where youve mouthed off to potential customers. anyways its past long time ago. so anyways.

Deion G.
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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 17:35 Edited at: 29th Apr 2005 17:39
Erm, I'm a moderator on the forum - none of the moderators are paid by TGC or represent TGC in any way (Edit: Obviously some of TGC's staff are moderators too, but the lions share of the tidying is done by non-staff). If I mouth off at a 'customer', really I'm mouthing off to someone on a forum I use and happen to be a moderator on. I don't mouth off to anyone for no reason, I'm guessing this was the Windows2000 incident?. Well I was a beta tester for FPSC using it in Windows2000 and actually helping them get compatibility issues sorted - and this guy who was concearned about if it would work in 2000 would'nt listen to me, he flatly refused to believe it worked, he might as well have called me a liar.

My experience affords a certain amount of credit when talking about DBPro and therefor FPSC - before that incident I was about the only mod who'd even set foot in here, and was beta testing other peoples ideas in FPSC for them at the time so I'm sure you can appreciate how irritating that was and that's probably why I got short with him in the end, I mean his posts were verging on trolling.

We don't regard any forum users as customers, potential or otherwise - we can't, I mean here the customer is only right if they can use the forum sensibly and not discredit the people trying to help.


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Posted: 9th May 2005 06:53
The engine just needs a bit of optimising, that's all.

Since I don't own FPSC myself, I can't test it out, but try this:

(Load up Fraps or another on-screen FPS counter for a bit later in the experiment)

Make a wall, texture it if you wish.

Run the game, and walk up to the wall so that the wall fills the vision.

Note the FPS rate.

Now, go back to the editor, and load a complex level (preferably without AI), and insert the same wall.

Again, run the game, and walk into the wall until it obscures your vision of anything else.

If the FPS rate now is different from the one before, then do not worry, as soon as the/a culling algorithm is fixed/improved/made, the game will speed up a great deal

Also, with the AI, try making them so that they don't activate unless you're within a reasonable distance of them - that should speed up the game, too.

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Mr Snuggles
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Posted: 9th May 2005 14:15
I think it's funny that you guys all continue to spell grammar wrong while you argue about it.

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Posted: 13th May 2005 17:45
Whilst poor grammer can get annoying to read, it shouldn't bring down the wrath of a moderator.

FPSC by it's very nature will bring in a lot of children looking for help who will not type in perfect english. Also some of the posts will be from persons whose first language won't be english. If the poster was also flaming or generally being abusive then that is a different matter.

Anyway, this thread seems to have been taken slightly off topic which ironically was instigated by a moderator

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Van B
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Posted: 13th May 2005 19:04
Whether I'm a moderator can't spell grammar is imaterial here - he posted badly and as a moderator I pointed that out. If people don't post with a little care, why should anyone take the time to respond.

As for the wrath of a moderator, I made a post like:

''Meanwhile I'll wait on a punctuation mark before replying to your thread properly.''

Is that the wrath is it?, if you consider that harsh then this is really not the forum for you - listen, if any of you have a problem with me take it to Richard Davey, the webmaster here and argue your cause. Frankly, I doubt he'd have anything to say unless I outright attacked someone - I'm not the one doing the flaming here.

Frankly, this part of the forum is a joke, I hope it get's moved to the FPSC site soon so I don't have to look at it - at one point I was very keen to help out with the new FPSC users, but nowadays I want nothing to do with you.


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Posted: 13th May 2005 21:45
Then might I suggest that you stay away from this part of the forum?

You are going to get a lot of 'younger customers' post here with poor grammer and if it is so offensive to you then don't bother posting at all. The initial post my not have been typed with great care but I still understood it.

I don't have a problem with you (I seldom post at all) but you need to understand that the role of a forum moderator isn't to correct puctuation and spelling mistakes. Try to leave that to the teachers.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is.

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Van B
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Posted: 13th May 2005 22:18
Well with a name like GZMGames Admin surely that would suggest someone who should be able to make better posts. One of the main things the moderators are here to do is keep people posting sensibly, when someone makes a post like that - it is common for other forum users to flame, which is why a moderator would make a comment on it - not a flame, not a critisism, a request for a more thought out post.

I never said I was offended or bothered, all I did was ask for some punctuation before taking the post seriously, I intended to reply to it - but I thought the poster should be aware that taking more care would get better responses. Instead his post has turned into a complaint - very useful to everyone reading it no?


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Posted: 13th May 2005 22:52
Richard Davey
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Posted: 13th May 2005 22:55
This thread has lost the plot.


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