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FPSC Classic Product Chat / more than 2?

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Joined: 12th Feb 2005
Posted: 29th Mar 2005 07:27
can you have more than two sounds per object? Also, if you can't, can you link to a sound in another object or put the full path instead of "$0"? My game needs more than 2 per object.

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Joined: 12th Feb 2005
Posted: 29th Mar 2005 07:38
Sorry, I didn't look in the manual. I found one of the examples using it not as "$0" but as the real path. (ex. "audiobank\user\hi.wav") I'll try to be careful about my post next time.

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Joined: 12th Feb 2005
Posted: 29th Mar 2005 08:55 Edited at: 29th Mar 2005 11:00
Wait! I do have another question. How do you get four switches to only open a door after being pushed in a certain order? If you need media, please request away!

[edit] If you don't know, I would like to know too because if too many people don't know, I might have to request help from "the gods".

[edit2] just for fun, because i'm waiting for an answer, I have included a web browser I have developed in VB 6. It should work but may not if all of the components are not on your computer. If it doesn't work, I should have a version with components on my site.

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