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Dark GDK / darkSDK and C#?

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Posted: 29th Mar 2005 13:01
i was wondering if there is any plans to write a wrapper or anything for C#. I think this would be a great investment for tgc.. considering most youngin's are using C# now adays, and there is no good rapid development engines for C#.. o_0 just a thought and spark of hope: ::prays:::

OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 29th Mar 2005 17:07
Quote: " i was wondering if there is any plans to write a wrapper or anything for C#"


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Posted: 17th May 2005 20:10
If you are proficient with C# I would think that wouldn't be so bad on you. I am not familiar with C# and I am getting familiar with ( I am familiar with C++ 6.0) and .net allows you to not only develope C++ apps but you have a whole host of web capability as well. That may open some doors wide open for you when it comes to multiplayer games or any other multiperson applications. I don't know, just a guess. Good luck. =)

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Posted: 20th May 2005 11:44
C# is a very different animal than C++. C# is more like Java than it is to C++. Think of it sort of as a VB.NET type language using C style syntax. I've done a lot more work in C# than I have in C++ and I find them to be two entirely different languages.
scooby bloke
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Posted: 25th May 2005 18:26
Agreed. I've just started looking at C# this week (for work), and it is a very different animal to C or C++. It seems to be almost a straight copy of Java (only with c style syntax), and on the surface seems to be a lot easier to program than C/C++
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Posted: 27th Jun 2005 02:38
Well C# and java were made from C++ (if u guys don't know)
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 27th Jun 2005 03:05
Doesn't make C compatiable with C# or Java though.

scooby bloke
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Posted: 27th Jun 2005 07:09
Quote: "Well C# and java were made from C++ (if u guys don't know) "

Not really sure how to respond to that!! If you're being picky, they're actually all binary you know

They might have been programmed using c++, but they behave very differently underneath the covers and are not very compatible (although you can do some fiddling with jni to talk between them - not sure this would sit well with the dsdk though ).
Xiotex Studios
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Posted: 27th Jun 2005 07:53
What are your reasons for wanting to use C#?

Don't get me wrong - I use C# for all of my tools development but I wouldn't consider for one moment writing a game in it. Most game development that isn't for mobile phone platforms are written in C/C++ which means for these platforms I am keeping up to date by practicing with these languages.

C# has its merits but in reality there isn't anything in C# that can't be done in C++ and vice versa.

Xiotex Studios
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Posted: 27th Jun 2005 10:50
C# more based on writing windows applications.
Using C++ or C++.NET is better for games.

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Posted: 27th Jun 2005 19:44
Never used C# but have used Java since its first release. Had no problem learning C++ (after getting over the idea of having to declare and define everything in two places). Syntax is more or less the same, barring small things like replacing "." with "::". Pointers are a pain in the ass, but I could recall that stuff from my ancient days with C.

If C# is a clone of Java, then I'd say it's worth the small effort of learning C++ to get into a more "standard" games prog language. And of course your OOP skills will be directly transferable. Took me a day to figure out the syntax differences, namespaces, virtual functions, check out some of the library functions, and so on. Another two days of reading up on good programming strategies for C++. The rest is just working to gain the experience.

Xiotex Studios
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Posted: 27th Jun 2005 20:03
I wouldn't agree that C++ is necessarily better for writing games - its just what the industry has settled on - and having said that I know some developers who had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century before they would give up their 'C' for this new-fangled C++ lark.

A programming language is a programming language and at the end of the day they pretty much allow you to get to the same result no matter what language you use - one popular PSOne game was written totally in Lisp...

Its just that C++ is more popular.

Xiotex Studios
scooby bloke
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Posted: 27th Jun 2005 21:27
Because of it's OO nature, C++ also tends to be more maintainable (if programmed correctly) than normal old C, making it much easier to track down bugs or upgrade components. Probably one of the major reasons why it's more popular than normal C these days...

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