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FPSC Classic Product Chat / ?ôI've got bug, yes its only a bug?ô (never mind)

White Mail Revived
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Joined: 12th Feb 2005
Posted: 30th Mar 2005 04:29 Edited at: 30th Mar 2005 04:33
I have found a bug in FPSC. Of course, I knew I would find one because it is in EA, but hey. This may not seem like an important bug to some but you can somehow "fly" in your games. First you make an open place.(more than one story high w/no floors in between) Now make a gantry on the top floor right under the celing.(ladder or something so you can reach it. Next, try to jump on top of the gantry but keep the button down. Now, turn around and walk back to the "walkable" part of the ganrty with button still down. You now can walk anywhere you want on that floor, even if there isn't any floor under you. Of course you drop and fall when you let go of the button, but I think this collision problem should be solved so people can't cheat. One way to fix this was a way I suggested in the "feature creep" earlier, but obivously nobody cared to even say"That is a great idea!" or "that is a stupid idea!" (if you feel bad now and want to look at my post, I think it is called "gantry thought")Sorry for getting off topic but you could make the ganrtys not jump-over-able making it so this collision is not there and you can make it so, as evident in one of my games I was making, you can't go down into a room that they shouldn't be in yet story-wise yet still can see. I know this won't fit with some games you want to jump over the gantrys but it should be made an option. Untill then, I'll continue using my workaround. The video I took of it is here. (please wait till video server uploads file. I will edit this out when it comes)(p.s. The weird marks in the subject were music notes. Obviously this forum server doesn't support my poor music notes )

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White Mail Revived
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Joined: 12th Feb 2005
Posted: 30th Mar 2005 04:39
Hey! I just was thinking, Maybe the reason the forum seems underpopulated right now is that people are on vacation!

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 30th Mar 2005 11:25
Yo. I just finished my vacation. Good discovery. I think that will be fixed in V1 because it has a physics engine.
MaddA ChieF
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Joined: 23rd Dec 2004
Location: Cen*Cal
Posted: 30th Mar 2005 11:28
ohh yah. I also hat when you place a catwalk and only on story above it. Cus when you run and jump forward you get stuck on to the ceiling! What get really annoying is that it keep repeating the jumping sound. but that should be fixed too cus of the physics engine.

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