anyone in less then 3 months can become a rather good modeler, even organic, u just need to believe in yourself, someone once told me that davince once said "a good job is 1% talent and 99% hard work, in my experience i first made contact with a modelling programm before even knowing darkbasic, but i quit after a month or something, i was really bad, but still the ideia kept in my mind, soon after i was watching closely all movies, magazines, games, etc, on geometry flow, forms, shapes, lightninng etc...., after a year and something i got back to 3d, scouted for a lot of tuts, lost some time on it etc, got a little better, i considered myself good at that time, (i oculd do some pretty cool low poly ships), but in reality i was a total crap at it, then 3 months ago i decided, my third attempt would be the last one, but this time i would get it right, and i did, i still have a lot to learn, but i sometimes get very suprised with the results i get, and that inst being selfabsorbed or boasting, nop, its evolution, if you take the time and dedicate to it in the right way, im sure u can be good enough at modelling to make a human look like a human, and a car look like a car, not the otherway( cars looking liek humans and humans looking like cars).
there are so many good sites with forums help and loads of tuts and free models: 3dkingdom, the3dstudio, 3dtotal, cgtalk, etc etc etc.
another good advice, start storing other peoples work u like, model renders, textures, drawings (, screen shots froms movies, games, anything, even do some skecthes yourself, (even if tehy suck like mines do
do google searches, this is very good, go to google, clikc image search, and start searching for stuff like, helmets, hands, cammo vests, m14, takns, sci fi ships, whatever, look at how the edges flow, imagine those pics in wireframe, get them inside your head.
another good tecknick i used to start learning and i still use it, and this is really the secret for my sucess in evolution
(im not saying im good, im saying my friends compare my work from 3 months ago and the work i do know and there is a very noticeble difference)
is.... do a model a day !, doesnt matter if u finish it, just start something new each tiem u get at home, spend 4 hours on it, no more no less, and in the end, get some screengrabs and toss the models away, shift del, do this a lot off times and u will start to select tecknicks, shortcuts, etc, in no time youll be finishing models in 4 hours, and they will keep getting better, my english is really bad, but i think you got what i meant,
model model model, use this last stated tecknick, get emul, get some 3dsmax video tuturials, (this is not illegal, theyre free), watch some tuts, when u see a cool move form the autor, (ex: a shape that suddently come out of nowhere), rewind and watch it again, watch a lot of different modellers working, get theyere best tecknicks and make your own stile, in no time ull get there, and if your work it right, each tiem u model u will feel more confident, and better, and u wotn lose motivation, in no time ull get the hang of it!
well, its all i have to say, im banned so my banning will get extended for sure, but i hope at least i was usefull for someone, my grammer knowladge of english is really week, i apologyze for all the mistakes on spelling i did, neitherless, ill be glad if i was usefull for someone.
PS: get an A4 white sheet, write on it "u should be modelling", and hang it in the ceiling right above your desk chair, this helps