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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Drop All Weapons

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Joined: 5th Mar 2004
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Posted: 1st Apr 2005 22:52
I think this has been brought up before, but I don't think it got answered. Is it possible to make the player drop all of the weapons from previous levels? This is an importance for many levels in my game, and would be very useful if possible.

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Van B
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Joined: 8th Oct 2002
Location: Sunnyvale
Posted: 1st Apr 2005 23:12
Through scripting it should be possible to set the weapon holding state, like there'll be a variable used for setting whether or not the player has a particular gun, setting all these to off and resetting the ammo counts would do the trick.

I know what your getting at though, it would be nice to have the player be captured at the end of a level so they start the next one in a cell or something like that.


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