Current Version: 0.57
Hello all. I recently made a little game that I guess I will call Graviball(for now that is). Anyway, your just a ball thats falling a little and you can move around with the arrowkeys. You try to get to the blue sqaur in the maze, it's harder than it looks.
here are some screenies:
I've only been working on this for 2-3 hours so you don't have to tell me my media is beautiful
. There isnt any 'real' media anyway its all made in program.
My highscores arnt working at the moment(my time functions all messed up) but it would be nice if you could test the gameplay and stuff. C&C are welcome. Thanks.
edit: There are 2 modes in this demo, Normal and Decoy Winspots. Im panning on making about ten modes, with ten levels in each. Maybe anti gravity, supergravity, no gravity/friction, wind, etc. If you have any ideas feel free to suggest. So my to do list:
- Fix time Function
- Fix Highscore tables
- Add optional internet highscore upload thingy
- Make more modes and levels
edit edit: updated downloads.
MCK Games