Hi my name i Anthony(koolaid2764) i've had an idea to make this game a while back but wasnt too organized. Im back now and trying to recruit some people for different areas of the development. I noticed the big team request issue and its removal.
Let me just say this is a serious request and im in college for game art and design.
This is a 3d adventure game with a sci-fi twist on it, the name of the game is Krizon(the name of the planet the game takes place on) and is a third person perspective.I have a design script im in the middle of now. I can send more info to anyone possibly wanting it, the jobs i would be handling is: Game designer,level designer, 2d artwork(UI),team lead.I also have knowledge i several other areas in the development process.
Im looking for: lead Programmer, junior programmer, AI programmer, 3d modeler, animator, texture artist..
Email me at my hotmail address or reply to this post, thankyou