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DarkBASIC Discussion / I have a question related to graphics

The Lone Programmer
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Posted: 31st Jan 2003 06:44
Ok I am new to this and I am waiting for my Dark Basic to come in the mail. While I am waiting I am trying to make graphics a related stuff.

I have a program that lets me make 3D stuff. MilkShape.
I dont want 3D graphics right now. I want to make 2D stuff.
Is there any good trial programs that will let me make very good 2D stuff.

I want Adobe Photoshop but I dont want to pay the money.

Does anyone recomend a program for me to download. If so what is it called and what is the download site.

Please post one.

Also while I am waiting, my db trial ran out. Is there anyway I can get it going again. I live a long way away from Europe and it will probably take a few weeks. I just cant wait that long.

Post to me please.
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Posted: 31st Jan 2003 11:13
How about Paint ?
And no, you cant get the demo working after it expires - I've tried it...

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Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 31st Jan 2003 15:28
I got the demo to work because I have 2 pcs. After it'd expired on both pcs, my Dad completely wiped the first pc and I installed it on there again! 90 days free db!

Look through any old demo disks from computer shopper or something and theres usually something on there (I got Adobe Photoshop 5.0 limited edition, the whole full program off of a demo disk!)

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Posted: 31st Jan 2003 18:13
canvas 6 ( not 3dcanvas )
paintshop pro

all of these are freeware in some form

also do a keyword search on 2d freeware

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Posted: 10th Feb 2003 07:04
I suggest PhotoHouse by Corel or PaintShop Pro 7 by Jasc. Although it is illegal, you could probably find these on KaZaA for free. You can get KaZaA from <>. PSP 7 has great artistic effect like embossing, chrome, charcoal, pencil, stepia, brush stroking, etc. PhotoHouse has global color editing which I recently learned is great since you DB can't display black. PhotoHouse also has embossing, and negative.

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Posted: 10th Feb 2003 11:31
Paint Shop Pro 7? lol, ive only got the 4th one that IS a trial version but it cant stop me from using it

B. R. W
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Posted: 10th Feb 2003 12:08
If you wanna make good 2D graphics,try to look for a program called IDRAW.i used it to make my first 2D game and it`s real good.I have Photoshop but that isn`t that good to make game gfx and stuffs.Better keep it for professianal gfx like websites,etc.if you can`t get idraw anywhere,mail me.i`ll give it to you via mail.

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