Hi All,
What I can say , owing to the fact that I've not NG collision, is how DBO exporter works.
It exports a multitextured file format, FVF could be different for each limb, so in order to create correct collisions, you could do limb by limb, or you could create (after having changed FVF) a mesh that contains all geometry to use as collision object.
You don't have troubles with x files owing to the fact they are not multitextured and has just a FVF including position,normals,uv of 1 layer.
Mine can include up to 4 layers (so 4 uv coords).
@Lost in Thought
Well DeleD Lite is free to download from :
and my plugin works at 100% with DeleD Lite too, you have a limitation just on some kind of lights.
Now just a question for the community, as David let me notice for a better organization it will be usefull to change lightmaps name and select a subfolder for textures exporting.
So now it's your turn to decide, if you want this solution, let me know and I'll change or if you have other ideas, please let me know.
If the trouble of collision will be fixed with a whole mesh (no textured) I could also add to DBO Exporter a flag to export directly a collision.dbo that has only geometry data no textures etc....
But I need to do some more testing with Newton to ensure.
Salvatore "Il Buzzo"