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FPSC Classic Product Chat / is there an FAQ?

Disturbing 13
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Joined: 12th Apr 2005
Location: Murder Capital of the World
Posted: 12th Apr 2005 13:47
Is there an FAQ post or something so that I don\'t have to ask questions that have already been asked? I run a forum myself and know how that can be.
Well here are my questions till then.
1.Are walls on angles other than 90 degrees possible such as a for curved hallway?
2.Are models collision detected per poly or via bounding box?
3.Can you create your own prefab rooms, if so with what?
4.Does FPS creator support or is it supported by Milkshape?
Once again I apoligize if these questions have been asked before. thank you.

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 09:14 Edited at: 13th Apr 2005 09:15
Hi new guy,
I hope this helps...

1. yes. instead of a squre corner you can use a rounded corner.
2. ?
3. yes. you make them with FPSC. It shows how to do it in the manual.
4. it supports .x files

I don't know #3. Maybe someone else can answer that.
By the way, welcome to the forums.
Disturbing 13
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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 11:21
thanks a bunch! what I mean is by per polly or bounding box is this- lets say I create a hill in a modeling program; then i import the model. Will i be able to walk up that hill haveing the pollys of the model detect my presence so I can walk up it,or does it detect the model's height and width and create an invisible barrier in the shape of a square?-bounding box. I've use lots of editors and most use the bounding box.

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Posted: 14th Apr 2005 09:56
Well howdy George!

"Mushrooms, Snakes, and you!" the selfhelp book for badgers
Disturbing 13
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Joined: 12th Apr 2005
Location: Murder Capital of the World
Posted: 14th Apr 2005 11:29
hey how's it going? glad ta see ya here!

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