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TGC Development Director
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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 01:29
Hi, it must seem like we have left you all on your own! Sorry, just gets so busy running TGC!

After Lee's week of DBPro bug fixing he's now back on FPSC development 100% and refining the physics implementation. The latest demo that he sent to me is fantastic. You can now pick objects up and move them around the scene and they all interact with each other. The game possibilities have now shot through the roof with this! Take the rocket launcher and fire into a room and see all the objects fly all over the place, so cool!!!

Lee still has some tweaks to make before moving on and adding in routines to explode objects and make the explosion effects look awesome! Then it'll be onto multiplayer...

When the time is right (hopefully the next few weeks), we'll make a video showing the work in progress so you can see what's coming.


Rick Vanner

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[Read "The POWER of NOW by Eckhart Tolle". There is no past or future, only NOW!]
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 08:52
Cool. The vid will be cool. I can't wait.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 10:28
Thanks for the update Rick! We lost souls out here appreciate it

2 questions (if you will)

(1) Does mega-cool explosions mean anything in terms of a particle system and/or "gibbing" objects into chunks?


(2) I hate to beat the proverbial dead horse, but any chance we could have an update which at least fixes some of the interface bugs in FPSC? (specifically having to mash a button a million times when editing an entity, doing something about the library pallete entries and scrollbars jumping around erratically whenever a window gets focus) - these are real design killers

I realize that v1 will have bug fixes, but June is so very far, far away and I'm tired of designing small test levels.

Thanks for the input!!!
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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 11:36
anychance that well see a non final update ? just so we can experiment with whats new and whats fixed. might even find some really bad bugs that wouldnt otherwise be picked up.

Deion G.
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Posted: 14th Apr 2005 06:28
it all sounds promising!

Programmer Dave
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Posted: 14th Apr 2005 20:36
this is cool

I'm the guy you love to hate.
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Posted: 14th Apr 2005 23:51

Quote: "(1) Does mega-cool explosions mean anything in terms of a particle system and/or "gibbing" objects into chunks?"

It will mean objects will break apart and we'll use particles to add smoke, flames etc. Until Lee creates this I cannot tell you much more.

Quote: "any chance we could have an update which at least fixes some of the interface bugs in FPSC?"

It's unlikely because Lee is so deep into FPSC physics, multiplayer etc that it's not all going to be tidied up into a final exe until these things are done.


Commercial Director
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[Read "The POWER of NOW by Eckhart Tolle". There is no past or future, only NOW!]
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 17th Apr 2005 03:44
Cool. I will love the partical effects. Lee you ARE AWESOME!!!

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